\tag does not accept list of symbols as documented in help examples.
%{ Lilypond 2.8.6 running on Windows 2000 SP4 %} \version "2.8.6" music = { c1 << \tag #'part << R1 \\ { \set fontSize = #-1 c4_"cue" f2 g4 } >> \tag #'score R1 >> c1 \tag #'(score part) << c4 d e f g a b c >> }
polyphonic tuplets
\version "2.8.3" \relative { \time 2/4 c2 | %% 'XXX' - all is OK if this line is not present %% OK << \times 2/3 { e8 e e e e e } \\ \times 2/3 { c8 c c c c c } >> | %% BAD %% if 'XXX' exists, tuplet brackets disappear with compile errors: %% 'programming error: must