\version "2.8.0"
\paper {
indent = 0\in
raggedright = ##t
theNotes = \relative c' {
f8[ g f e] c[ d] aes8[ b] | g'8([ aeh g fis]) c8([ d c b])
\score {
\new Voice = theVoice { \theNotes }
\layout {
\context {
In the following snippet the : of the bass cleff gets partly hidden by the
natural sign:
\version "2.8.1"
\score {
<< \new Staff { \clef treble a'16 a' a' a' a' a' a' a' }
\new Staff { \clef treble c'4 \clef bass a! } >>
\layout { ragged-right = ##t }
When creating a preview image with Lilypond 2.8.0 from a score
containing a \book statement, the book title is no longer shown, only
the piece title(s). Don't know when the change was introduced, but at
least in 2.7.14 or so it worked as expected (including the book title
that is).
Try this
% fil