bar number direction doumentation inconsistent

2006-04-01 Thread Paul Scott
The 2.8.0 documentation: says |direction| (direction): |1| Up or down, left or right? The new reader wouldn't know that 1 was UP and -1 was DOWN and 0 was in the middle. Also LEFT and RIGHT are the

2.8.0: bar number default places number in previous bar

2006-04-01 Thread Paul Scott
\version "2.8.0" { \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 1) \set Score.currentBarNumber = #100 c''1 b'' c'' d'' \override Score.BarNumber #'direction = #1 d'' \override Score.BarNumber #'dire

2.8.0: fermatas forced above text markup

2006-04-01 Thread Paul Scott
2.8.1 and 2.8.0 at least on Debian sid: The following results in the fermata above the text even if I pad the text. \version "2.8.0" { c''2 d''4\fermata^\markup{ Text } e''4\fermata } Paul Scott ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

\killCues not documented

2006-04-01 Thread Werner LEMBERG
The function \killCues, quite important for full scores with automatic part extraction, isn't documented. Werner ___ bug-lilypond mailing list

serious problems with mutual cues

2006-04-01 Thread Werner LEMBERG
% severe % [EMAIL PROTECTED] \version "2.9.0" \header { texidoc = " This report exhibits two serious bugs. . The mutual inclusion of cues have worked in earlier versions. It is now broken again. . A staff starting with a \cueDuring is typeset in cue size. " } \paper { ragged-right = ##t }

cuenote clash

2006-04-01 Thread Werner LEMBERG
I've marked the bug report as `important' because a manual correction is quite difficult (I don't know whether it is possible at all). Werner == % important % [EMAIL PROTECTED] \version "2.9.0" \header { texidoc = " Cue