2004-11-26 Thread СYПEР PАСПРOДАЖA!!!
ЛИКВИДАЦИЯ ОБУВИ И ОДЕЖДЫ Лучшие имена Италии со скидкой до 90%!!! Неслыханно!!! Именная итальянская обувь - по цене отечественной!!! Женская и мужская обувь и одежда всех сезонов, галстуки и ремни, сумки и портмоне, платки и шарфы - на любой вкус и любой кошелек. Сумки A. Testoni


2004-11-26 Thread クリエイティブ・カペラ
[ $BAw?.;v6H$7$J$$>l9g(B[EMAIL PROTECTED](B $B!!(B (B (B $B"#"""#"""#"""#""(B $B!Z(B [EMAIL PROTECTED](B $B![$J$*MxB)J'$$2a$.$F$^$;$s$+!)(B $B"#"""#"""#""!!(B $B(#(!(!($WD(B $B:GBg#8#0#0K|1_$^$GEE?.?69~!!EvF|M;;q$O#1;~4V$G$4M;;q!!(B $B("[EMAIL PROTECTED]("(B $BG/

Re: skips, text strings, and decrescendo

2004-11-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Friday 26 November 2004 20.03, Werner LEMBERG wrote: > % important > % [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > \version "2.5.1" > > \header { texidoc = " > The decrescendo spanner is far too long if it is used simultaneously > with a text string attached to a skip. > " } > > << >{ s1 | s1^"This is a very long


2004-11-26 Thread Neateye
Call out Gouranga be happy!!! Gouranga Gouranga Gouranga That which brings the highest happiness!! ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond

Men's health

2004-11-26 Thread Madhu Price
Nice day Andrea, poka, Hspice Patterson ___ bug-lilypond mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/bug-lilypond

skips, text strings, and decrescendo

2004-11-26 Thread Werner LEMBERG
% important % [EMAIL PROTECTED] \version "2.5.1" \header { texidoc = " The decrescendo spanner is far too long if it is used simultaneously with a text string attached to a skip. " } << { s1 | s1^"This is a very long text string" | s1 } { c'1\> | c'1\! | R1 } >> \paper { raggedright =

Confusing sentence in 8.2 Markup programmer interface (2.4.2)

2004-11-26 Thread Paul Scott
In lilypond-snapshot-doc 2.4.2 8.2 Markup programmer interface This sentence has broken grammar and I don't understand what is meant: When applied with as arguments an output definition (\layout or \paper), and a list of properties and other arguments, produce a Stencil object. Paul Scott ___

broken line in markup html documentation (snapshot 2.4.2)

2004-11-26 Thread Paul Scott
On this page (lilypond-snapshot-doc 2.4.2 and may others): html/Documentation/user/out-www/lilypond-internals/text_002dinterface.html#text_002dinterface the code for this line: text (markup) Text markup. See Text markup . : text (markup)Text markup. See Text markup Should be: text (markup)Tex


2004-11-26 Thread メルシー通信
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED]@iŠ”Ž®‰ïŽÐƒIƒŠƒIƒ“j (B[EMAIL PROTECTED] (B[EMAIL PROTECTED]@[EMAIL PROTECTED] (B[EMAIL PROTECTED]@090-8502-8857 (BŽóM‚ð‹‘”Û‚·‚éê‡‚Í‚»‚ÌŽ|[EMAIL PROTECTED] (BŽóM‚ð‹‘”Û‚·‚éê‡‚Í‚»‚ÌŽ|[EMAIL PROTECTED] (BŠÈ’P‰ðœƒy[ƒWhttp://www.angelfire.com/ab8/delete9800/‚Ü‚Å (B[E