Re: Very wide spacing w chords & lyrics [2.3.24 update]

2004-10-26 Thread Matthias Neeracher
On Oct 24, 2004, at 3:59 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote: [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes: I noticed that Erik lists spacing-multiple-stanza as fixed as of 2.3.22, but I'm afraid I disagree: The spacing in 2.3.22 and 2.3.23 is actually even MORE loose than in 2.3.21. What is fixed is that a page break is inser

New! Vìagra soft tabs.

2004-10-26 Thread Jeffry W. Fields
Hello! We would like to offer V_I_A_G_R_A soft tabs, These pills are just like regular Vìagra but they are specially formulated to be soft and dissolvable under the tongue. The pill is absorbed at the mouth and enters the bloodstream directly instead of going through the stomach. This results

Продается автомобиль

2004-10-26 Thread shu-fan
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Настоящие кубинские сигары

2004-10-26 Thread 514-80-34
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slur colliding with key signature

2004-10-26 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
the slur goes through the key signature: \version "2.3.24" \layout { raggedright = ##t } { e''4 b'( \key bes \major ces''2) } <> In the original edition, where 3rd-line notes seem to be stemed up, the slur goes behind the key signature change. nicolas _


2004-10-26 Thread TIM HUCKER
Two questions: 1   Does anyone know the best way of underlining fingering instructions?   2  What is the best way to make my fingering appear always under the note. I have tried \set fingeringOrientations = #'(down) without success.   Any advice gratefully received.   Regards   Tim Hucker   AL

Posgrado: La tematica gerontologica y la investigacion sobre ancianidad (intensivo - a distancia, ultimo llamado)

2004-10-26 Thread FLACSO - Proyecto Envejecimiento y Sociedad
Title: Untitled Document LA TEMATICA GERONTOLOGICA Y LA INVESTIGACIÓN SOBRE ANCIANIDAD MODALIDAD: INTENSIVO A DISTANCIA - (CICLO 2004) Quinta y Ultima Edición (1 de noviembre al 1 de diciembre) Dirigida a alumnos del interior o del exterior del país. El curso inten


2004-10-26 Thread naomi_sekikawa
当グループは男性に一切のご負担なく高収入女性をご紹介致します。 当グループの会員は全て女性のみで構成されておりますが、最近同じようなグループが多発したことにより男性のご登録が非常に少なくなっております。 しかし、女性のご登録数は増える一方でご紹介できる男性がほとんどできなくなってしまい女性から不満の声が高まっております。 そういう理由があり今回貴方様にメールをさせて頂きました。 一日最低10万円~のお礼金がございます。 興味がございましたら下記アドレスに「紹介希望」とご記入の上ご返信下さい。 ≪無料紹介受付(自動返信)≫ [EMAIL PROTECTED] ご返信がありましたら即自動返信に

Student ID #2681278760143999302

2004-10-26 Thread Leonor Ortiz
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未承諾広告※ 5 000 円で開業!大飛躍しませんか!!

2004-10-26 Thread directmail77
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Re: remove-empty-staff-volta

2004-10-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Tuesday 26 October 2004 13.08, Mats Bengtsson wrote: > In this situation, you have to explicitly tell LilyPond which context > to add the volta to: > > << > \new Staff {R1*3 \break b1} > \new Staff \with{ voltaOnThisStaff = ##t} { > \repeat "volta" 2 { c'1 } \alternative {{c'1}{c'1}} c'1} OK!

Re: remove-empty-staff-volta

2004-10-26 Thread Mats Bengtsson
In this situation, you have to explicitly tell LilyPond which context to add the volta to: << \new Staff {R1*3 \break b1} \new Staff \with{ voltaOnThisStaff = ##t} { \repeat "volta" 2 { c'1 } \alternative {{c'1}{c'1}} c'1} >> /Mats Erik Sandberg wrote: This happens in 2.2 also, hence it is a n


2004-10-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
This happens in 2.2 also, hence it is a non-critical bug. %important %Erik Sandberg \version "2.3.24" \header { texidoc = "Volta brackets are removed if @code{RemoveEmptyStaffContext} removes the top staff" reportedin = "2.3.24" } \layout { raggedright = ##t \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffCon

Re: Bug with raggedbotton and raggedlastbotton

2004-10-26 Thread Erik Sandberg
Yes, this looks like a critical bug to me. I reduced it even more, to this score which I added (as page-layout-two-pages): %important critical %Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> \version "2.3.22" \header{ texidoc = "Score takes 2 pages, one should be enough." reportedin = "2.3.22" } \paper{ ra