I am following the development of lilypond quite closely, but when I tried to
install 2.3.21 or 2.3.22 on Mandrake 10.0 fully patched with ./autogen.sh and
make install I got on both versions the same error
Samenstellen ./out/layout-properties.texi...
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Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
These different solutions are all documented in the manual and I have
updated one of the examples to show how to add both the number and
text if necessary. Still, I find Paul's last question highly relevant.
good question. I forgot the reaso
If papersize is set to letter:
#(set-default-paper-size "letter")
The dvi and ps files are set to letter but the pdf remains a4.
Paul Scott
bug-lilypond mailing list
> be an appoggiatura, where 3 notes take 1/8 time from the main note, could
> also be the very theoretical case
> { \grace {\times 2/3 {b16[ b b]} b16[ b]} b8 }
> which would mean that the first 3 notes are a bit faster.
> I don't think I have never seen grace note tu
> These different solutions are all documented in the manual and I have
> updated one of the examples to show how to add both the number and
> text if necessary. Still, I find Paul's last question highly relevant.
good question. I forgot the reason, so I put the numbers b
I'm typesetting a heavily-dotted piece of mine (using Lilypond 2.2.5)
and came across some
problems with the way Lilypond places dots.
This example shows several problems:
\score {
\notes {
\new Staff \transpose c c' {
\time 3/4
{e8. f
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