bug-lilypond mailing list
> 2. change my setting of the LyricText property font-relative-size to
> the property font-size,
> 5. change the staff and lyrics font sizes from +2 to +3
I have fixed these, the culprit was the '+' in your font size.
Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
I just upgraded to Lilypond 2.2.0 from version 2.0.0. I haven't been
using Lilypond for more than about a couple of months, so I didn't have
very many files to convert. Most of them converted quite nicely (I
think most actually needed no changes) except for all of the files that
had lyrics.
I added this to the bug repository:
\header { texidoc = "
Each lyric produces a warning:
programming error: round filled box vertical extent smaller than blot;
decreasing blot
However, the output looks fine.
" }
\version "2.2.1"
\paper {
\context {
Cc: bug-lilypond; feature request included below!
If you have one \header{...} block at the top level of the file
and another one included withing \score{...}, it seems that LilyPond
combines the settings from both these header blocks. This may be a
solution to your problems, since you could simpl