While compiling from sources, I found these minor issues:
./autogen says
See INSTALL.txt for more information on how to build LilyPond
...but INSTALL.txt doesn't exist.
./autogen does not report when guile 1.6 header files are missing.
Dear friends,
I have attempted to install the LilyPond binaries in my iMac, running under
OS X 10.2.8
I'm using Fink command, following the instructions in your web site.
Installation fails, apparently becaus the kernel version does not match the
installer requirements.
Any hints and/or suggestio
I sent this bug report some hours ago but I didn't see it come in, nor
could I find it in the mail archive so I'm trying again.
The following LilyPond code illustrates a bug with the final barline.
The barline connecting the staves at the end is displaced to the right
by its own width. This is d
> Mats Bengtsson encouraged me to send the following example:
> \score{
> \key a \major
> \partial 8 g8 ~ | g2 ~ g8 fis4. |
> }
> This produces a natural on the last g which should not be there!?
Sorry for the delay; this is fixed in C
> www.amherst.edu/~do/pavn.pdf
> see for examples, page 3.
Thanks for the report. I fixed the left part of the beam in CVS. It
will now run until the end of the staff. Note that this is not where
the barline is, if there is a time sig change at the same time.
So, there is also a sig 11 crash that occurs on my system.
I also tried David Bobroff's wrong.ly, which however compiles perfectly
without crashing.
~/musik/savor/Bive il rey David$ lilypond --verbose score
lilypond (GNU LilyPond) 2.1.25
Opening pipe `/usr/bin/lilypond-bin --version '
> Beams that go through line breaks are not done right.
> If you take a look at scores, you will notice that the
> first half of the broken beam always extends all the
> way to the barline. Check out Ravel's "Pavane pour une
> infante defunte" for examples.
> The second
see for examples, page 3.
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Bug-lilypond mailing list
This file exhibits a bug in 2.1.25. The final group barline connecting
the staves is shifted to the right by its own width.
\version "2.1.25"
one = \notes \relative c {
c4 d e f g a b c \bar "|."
two = \notes \relative c {
c4 d e f g a b c \bar "|."
\score { \notes \transpose c c {
Beams that go through line breaks are not done right.
If you take a look at scores, you will notice that the
first half of the broken beam always extends all the
way to the barline. Check out Ravel's "Pavane pour une
infante defunte" for examples.
The second half of the broken beam should also ext
As cartas comerciais, têm grande importância na administração de qualquer
empreendimento, pois uma parte significativa das transações mundiais se
realiza por esse meio. A carta é o instrumento que faz a conexão entre os
Estamos lançando
Look at:
The two examples are in different octaves, for no apparent reason.
(this is from my local lilypond-doc 2.1.25; the images are broken in the web
Bug-lilypond mailing list
something is going wrong
Bug-lilypond mailing list
There are layout problems when there are multiple staves, of which one ends in
a \bar "||".
I am not sure exactly how it should look, but the current output looks a bit
\version "2.1.25"
\score {
\new StaffGroup \notes <<
\new Staff {c4 c c c | c c c c \bar "||" c c c c}
\new St
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
The idea of the changed behaviour of \skip was exactly that it shouldn't
create a new Staff context. However, then you still have to watch out
that you don't include anything else in your \global that needs a
Staff context to live in. As long as you don't use
> i take your word for it. But isn't something like
> sed -i s/..\\/lilypond-internals/lilypond-internals/ lilypond.html
> , though unclean, better than nothing?
yep, you're right. done.
Han-Wen Nienhuys | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
The PNG links in
all seem to be broken.
sad, a. the efforts of musical debutantes (Bierce)
Bug-lilypond mailing list
On Thu, 19 Feb 2004, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> > I'm now using Lilypond. I just installed 2.1.25, and noticed a couple of
> > small things:
> >
> > 1. The lilypond-documentation Fedora Linux RPM installs docs in
> > /usr/share/doc/lilypond. Strictly it should be in
> >
Paul Scott wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I hope you don't have the magic line
\paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }
left in your input file, since it will remove the extra stave
from the printed score but it will still affect the spacing as
Han-Wen explained.
Indeed I do. I see
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
I hope you don't have the magic line
\paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }
left in your input file, since it will remove the extra stave
from the printed score but it will still affect the spacing as
Han-Wen explained.
Indeed I do. I see that I don't the "m
I hope you don't have the magic line
\paper { \translator { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }
left in your input file, since it will remove the extra stave
from the printed score but it will still affect the spacing as
Han-Wen explained.
Paul Scott wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Yes, but if
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Yes, but if you replace any \skip by an 's' in the \global, you will
get the extra stave, that's what I tried to say above.
No. I've been working with that form with 's' and not \skip for a couple
of hours without any extra staff. 2.1.25.
*But* it does bring back the space
Paul Scott wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Thanks. Using:
\context Staff <<
{ \part }
for a part and
\context StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { \part1 }
\new Staff { \part2 }
for similar parts seems to work (key signature s
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Thanks. Using:
\context Staff <<
{ \part }
for a part and
\context StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { \part1 }
\new Staff { \part2 }
for similar parts seems to work (key signature spacing is good). I
Thanks. Using:
\context Staff <<
{ \part }
for a part and
\context StaffGroup <<
\new Staff { \part1 }
\new Staff { \part2 }
for similar parts seems to work (key signature spacing is good). I will
now see what happ
In lilypond 2.1.0, chord suffixes print differently dependant on the root
e4:7.9- yields "E7"
ees4:7.9- yields "Eb/b9"
\paper {
indent = 0.0\mm
raggedright = ##t
\context ChordNames \chords { e:7.9- ees:7.9- }
I confirm the bug reported by Juergen about \once being broken. But my
symptoms are sightly different: in the following example, the "B" mark
is missing. It's OK without \once.
boxedMark = {
\once \override Score.RehearsalMark #'print-function =
#(make-stencil-boxer 0.15 0.3 0.3 Text
27 matches
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