> > If you're going (correctly) to say that much computer-produced music
> > looks bland and has typographical mistakes, it's also worth pointing
> > out the exceptions.
> I am not aware of such exceptions yet. You need an experienced
> engraver to to correct the pathetic mistakes that music pri
Reuben Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> If you're going (correctly) to say that much computer-produced music looks
> bland and has typographical mistakes, it's also worth pointing out the
> exceptions.
I am not aware of such exceptions yet. You need an experienced
engraver to to correct the
The FAQ looks ugly in my browser (Opera 7.23 for Linux). This is, AFAICS,
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Frequently asked questions
There are a couple of instances of this on the page; the next one is at
How can I thank you for LilyPond?
Also the FAQ isn't linked to from the Documentat
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