A little status update: The participation deadline for organisations
passed yesterday.
It's all over now -- those who didn't contribute to the organisation
application and student application form drafts (which includes YOU),
have managed to get away.
Oh, and yes: Amazingly, I actually manag
Please stop.
People had their reasons or lack of motivation for contributing or
participating. A responsible person would (at least in the future)
choose the logical route of trying to change these reasons or properly
motivate people to contribute. You, apparently, chose the other option
of trying
Michael Heath, le Thu 13 Mar 2008 08:38:14 -0600, wrote things
Wow, _that_ was rude. I found Olaf's mail was actually quite
diplomatic, considering the very low help he got on this. Yes, there
are reasons for not having the time to contribute, etc. but I think Olaf
already knows that and was jus
Hi all,
I tried to used setauth and it segfaults when I passed a wrong user name
(or even a wrong group name). The problem is when the args are parsed.
In libshouldbeinlibc/ugids-argp.c, the function getpwnam_r is used. It
is assumed that getpwnam_r return non-zero if the user does not exist,