> A good place to start is with the specifications for Mach 3 which GNU
> Mach is based on [0].
> [0] http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/www/doc/osf.html,
> The links for downloading the documents are a bit unstable so try
> it once to thrice; if you still can't get it to wo
A good place to start is with the specifications for Mach 3 which GNU
Mach is based on [0].
[0] http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/mach/public/www/doc/osf.html,
The links for downloading the documents are a bit unstable so try
it once to thrice; if you still can't get it to work ask me.
I had downloaded the sources of
Gnumach and I want to know and
understand its internals. Where can I
find information about it? Where do I
start in the code? There is lots of
lines and parts (vm, ipc etc).
> Hi, I have more questions about the internals of gnumach (oskit-mach to
> be more precise). I have either not been able to find answers to them, or
> it's very difficult to deduce them from the sourcecode.
I don't have source handy this moment, so I am answering from memory and/or
from assumpti
Hi, I have more questions about the internals of gnumach (oskit-mach to
be more precise). I have either not been able to find answers to them, or
it's very difficult to deduce them from the sourcecode.
1. Where, if anywhere, does gnumach change into virtual 8086 mode? If it does
then what purpose