Re: getting oskit-based gnumach to build and boot

2002-11-06 Thread Alfred M. Szmidt
where ETHERDEV is: "vortex" (for 3c59x and 3c90x), "ne", ... (complete list is in the oskit source in oskit/dev/linux_scsi.h) and SCSIDEV is: "aic7xxx", "ncr53c8xx", ... (complete list is in the oskit source in oskit/dev/linux_ethernet.h) Other way around, the com

getting oskit-based gnumach to build and boot

2002-11-05 Thread Marcus Brinkmann
Hi guys, here is the current state on how to get oskit-base gnumach (CVS) to build and boot. to build, use configure and then "make kernel". If you only want to build some drivers, which is useful if you have an Adaptec SCSI controller, for example, then you can use the syntax: make kernel-DRIV