Re: PCI Arbiter status

2019-09-15 Thread Joan Lledó
El dc. 04 de 09 de 2019 a les 19:42 +1000, en/na Damien Zammit va escriure: > I have not sent patches to pciutils, but I do seem to have a git > branch > that I was working on - based on upstream. I'm happy to share > patches. > I think it was based on your existing work, Joan. Is it a public bra

Re: PCI Arbiter status

2019-09-04 Thread Samuel Thibault
Damien Zammit, le mer. 04 sept. 2019 19:42:03 +1000, a ecrit: > On 4/9/19 6:10 am, Joan Lledó wrote: > > 3- In libpciaccess upstream there are some commits by Damien Zammit, > > one of them with the new modules for the Hurd. I wonder: this new > > module expects to be used from both user tasks and

Re: PCI Arbiter status

2019-09-04 Thread Damien Zammit
On 4/9/19 6:10 am, Joan Lledó wrote: > 3- In libpciaccess upstream there are some commits by Damien Zammit, > one of them with the new modules for the Hurd. I wonder: this new > module expects to be used from both user tasks and the translator? There are currently two modes of operation in libpci

Re: PCI Arbiter status

2019-09-03 Thread Samuel Thibault
Joan Lledó, le mar. 03 sept. 2019 22:10:38 +0200, a ecrit: > netdde -> libpciaccess -> arbiter -> libpciaccess -> hardware > > Am I right? Yes. > But I don't see the code commited in hurd's upstream, is > it because nobody reviewed it, or is there some problem? It's because even if it's c

Re: PCI Arbiter status

2019-09-03 Thread Guillem Jover
Hi! On Tue, 2019-09-03 at 22:10:38 +0200, Joan Lledó wrote: > 4- About pciutils, is something ours in upstream? Damien, did you send > patches to pciutils? FWIW, I'm happy to carry Hurd-specific patches in pcutils in Debian as long as they have not yet been merged upstream. Thanks, Guillem