Neoprene Shoe Sock USD2.00/pr

2004-11-25 Thread May
SKY Products Factory ShaTin Village Dongguan Guangdong China T/F : 0086-769-5899455 E-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED] The product name and price: Neoprene Shoe Sock The price USD2.00/pr Thanks, May ___ Bug-hurd mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http

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2004-03-05 Thread Sheldon May
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Re: MIG->Corba

2001-02-08 Thread Brian May
tc (the list goes on). I think for The Hurd to achieve its desired goals, it really must be language independent. There are far too many languages out there, and we can't possible restrict everyone to use C. (ps: not sure what some of those addresses are, so I am CCing everyone