Re: [seL4] FYI: community site

2016-03-11 Thread Alexander Senier
tness (which is a superset of absence of > runtime errors) for seL4 in 2009. I must be missing something. -- Dipl.-Inf. Alexander Senier Scientific Assistant TU Dresden Faculty of Computer Science Institute of System Architecture Chair of Privacy and Data Security 01062 Dresden Tel.: +49 351 463-38719 Fax : +49 351 463-38255

Re: New procfs implementation

2010-09-02 Thread Alexander Preisinger
Hy, Thanks for the great work. I tested this new translator with pidof and killall5 and it works fantastic. I hope it replaces the old procfs translator soon, because the initscripts in Arch Hurd heavily depend on pidof.


2008-09-24 Thread Alexander
So, i want to translate Hurd site into Russian (i think it can be very useful, because we have talented programmers who can be interested in this project) . Is it possible?

investor alert

2006-03-14 Thread Alexander Nielsen
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