Much as the comment says, things on _hurd_subinit assume that _hurd_pid
is already initialized by the time _hurd_subinit is run, so
_hurd_proc_subinit has to run before it. Specifically, init_dtable ()
calls _hurd_port2fd (), which uses _hurd_pid and _hurd_pgrp to set up
ctty handling. With _hurd_s
Sergey Bugaev, le sam. 15 avril 2023 19:17:17 +0300, a ecrit:
> Do I understand it right that this hooks system is libc-internal? --
> or can user programs add their own functions to the hooks?
I don't think it was meant to be used by user programs.
It is common to have (some of) stdin, stdout and stderr point to the
very same port. We were making the ctty RPCs that _hurd_port2fd () does
for each one of them separately:
1. term_getctty ()
2. mach_port_deallocate ()
3. term_open_ctty ()
Instead, let's detect this case and duplicate the ctty p
Here are some assorted thoughts on cttys (controlling terminals).
Running rpctrace on any simple program, I see this:
13<--33(pid1354)->term_getctty () = 04<--39(pid1354)
task16(pid1354)->mach_port_deallocate (pn{ 10}) = 0
13<--33(pid1354)->term_open_ctty (0 0) = 0x4016 (Inva
Sergey Bugaev, le sam. 15 avril 2023 10:34:46 +0300, a ecrit:
> If you really want to deallocate and reset the current reply port, you
> need to do the dance like sigreturn does:
> mach_port_t reply_port = THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, reply_port);
On Sat, Apr 15, 2023 at 9:45 AM Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Sergey Bugaev, le ven. 14 avril 2023 23:29:51 +0300, a ecrit:
> > By the way: that __mig_dealloc_reply_port () inside
> > _dl_sysdep_start_cleanup () is not doing what the author of that code
> > wanted it to do. It deallocates the current r