I was expecting it :)
I'll wait a bit for the updated gnumach to get uploaded etc. before
commiting it.
Flavio Cruz, le lun. 09 janv. 2023 22:37:47 -0500, a ecrit:
> We avoid using repeated definitions and also update kd_event with the
> new 64bit compatible fields (rpc_time_value).
> ---
> cons
Applied, thanks!
Flavio Cruz, le mar. 10 janv. 2023 01:00:37 -0500, a ecrit:
> Declared RPCs in ipc/mach_port.c and ddb/db_ext_symtab.c in their
> corresponding headers.
> Ideally these should be used by mig instead of mig declaring its own
> prototypes.
> ---
> Makefrag.am | 1 +
> dd
Applied, thanks!
Flavio Cruz, le lun. 09 janv. 2023 22:16:43 -0500, a ecrit:
> For x86_64-pc-gnu we still do not have a working glibc so ./configure will
> fail
> under a freestanding environment. We force ./configure to avoid running
> compiled C programs as a test which it is not needed when co