Samuel Thibault, le lun. 24 janv. 2022 22:49:50 +0100, a ecrit:
> the script launcher will first create the first requested port (here
> the host priv port),
(more precisely: create a name for it in your task. Names are numbered
from 1 for each process, think of them a bit like the file descriptor
Alessandro Sangiuliano, le lun. 24 janv. 2022 11:51:04 +, a ecrit:
> Looking at the Hurd, startup.c (frob_kernel_process) line: 1092, it sets, as
> the comment says too, it installs the proc port to the kernel task as a
> bootstrap port making it visible to other Hurds.
> Before doing t
Hello everyone, i will try to be concise and precise a much as i can.
I'm experimenting with GNUMach and its internals, reading at the hurd code too.
I want to realize a little project that is writing a 2 servers system on top of
gnumach; they will not do so much but will be useful for next expe