On 3/4/20 9:28 am, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Concerning the link line, I don't understand why hardcoding everything?
> - For a start, are the _pic.a versions really needed? The .a versions
> should just work.
I think the _pic.a versions are required. I could not get rump to work with .a
Damien Zammit, le lun. 30 mars 2020 22:22:12 +1100, a ecrit:
> I cleaned up rumpdisk and used your new api. See patch below.
I'm amazed how very straighforward this implementation looks, rump rocks
Concerning the link line, I don't understand why hardcoding everything?
- For a start, are t
Damien Zammit, le mer. 01 avril 2020 16:04:25 +1100, a ecrit:
> Thanks. See patch for configure.ac/Makefile changes to make rumpdisk
> optional.
AIUI you made it so that one has to pass --without-librump to disable
rump support? That is not how it is usually done. Usually configure.ac
would ju
Damien Zammit, le mer. 01 avril 2020 16:04:25 +1100, a ecrit:
> For some reason --without-librump still creates the Makefile for rumpdisk,
That's expected with autotools, they always generate files from .in