xfs filesystem and it didn't make
any difference.
> Original Message
> Subject: Re: bug#28610: tcsh 6.20.00 testsuite: 68 failed
> Local Time: September 28, 2017 7:17 AM
> UTC Time: September 28, 2017 2:17 PM
> From: l...@gnu.org
> To: Drashne
> 28.
> Ludo wrote:
> Could it be that you’re running the daemon with “nice guix-daemon …” or
> something like that?
You're right!
I had set up my guix-daemon startup script to start it as "/usr/bin/nice
/usr/bin/ionice -c3 /root/.guix-profile/bin/guix-daemon
--build-users-group=guixbuild --no-subs
From the kind people on #guix, I've heard that "guix build --subsitute-urls"
should override "guix-daemon --no-subsitutes", but it seems it's not doing so
for me.
Here's the situation I ran in to:
While doing a "./pre-inst-env guix pull" I got an error about:
output path