bug#27519: Podofo security bugs

2019-02-04 Thread Leo Famulari
We have since packaged a new release of PoDoFo (0.9.6) which apparently fixed many bugs. The PoDoFo team does not write changelogs or any sort of release announcement file. Their SVN repo includes several commits like "Fix CVE-XXX" followed by "Really fix CVE-XXX". Since PoDoFo is not widely used

bug#27519: Podofo security bugs

2017-06-28 Thread Leo Famulari
There were some bugs with security implications reported in Podofo recently: http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2017/q2/0 http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2017/q2/1 http://seclists.org/oss-sec/2017/q2/2 I noticed some fixes committed to the Podofo SVN repo: https://sourceforge.net/p/podofo/mailman/podofo-sv