bug#63022: I dont can add distrobox repository in guix

2025-01-13 Thread omlet--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix
Ok, the torbrowser was supported, was my objective but today i whould like to play tuxemon, pokete, and others from libregaming.org wiki and osganeclones.com (the second need more atention because the engine can be freedom but the gane no) -- Secured with Tuta Mail: https://tuta.com/free-ema

bug#63022: I dont can add distrobox repository in guix

2023-04-23 Thread omlet--- via Bug reports for GNU Guix
I see why no is add for default the distrobox repositorie but i would like add debian main in distrobox, but i not see how why in others distros not is necessary add repositories in distrobox -- Enviado de forma segura com Tutanota. Obtenha a sua caixa de correio encriptada, sem publicidade.