and Windows are similar. I have reduced the PS file down as
much as I could to minimize unnecessary code.
Sincerely, Paul Wessel
, but reports from Linux and Windows are similar. I have reduced the PS file down as much as I could to minimize unnecessary code.Sincerely, Paul Wessel
also made PDFs and used OS X Automator to build PNGs and made a
movie using QuickTime Pro; same jittering (not sure if OS X High Sierra uses
ghostscript in Preview etc).
Paul Wessel
Lead developer
The Generic Mapping Tools
-sOutputFile='bug_163.tif' -f'./psconvert_22623d.eps'
> On Jan 22, 2018, at 8:06 PM, Paul Wessel wrote:
> Hi developers-
> GMT ( <>) is using PostScript
> to make plots and one application builds
more care about anti-aliasing. Can you increase the resolution?
> Bradley C Kuszmaul - via snartphone
> On Jan 22, 2018 10:06 PM, "Paul Wessel" <>> wrote:
> Hi developers-
> GMT ( <http://gmt.soest.hawaii.e
video is only 800x500, and the jitter's amplitude appears to be one
> pixel.
> On Tue, Jan 23, 2018 at 3:52 PM, Paul Wessel <>> wrote:
> Seems resolution independent; I've tried up to 4K. Here is a 2000x1250 MP4
> movie, just showing