n moved out of GNU Ghostscript. We
finally decided to not use Ghostscript, but to develop a lightweight
interpreter. We are now seeking for funds: the plan is to write the
code in one year employing four engineers.
Jose E. Marchesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is there any way to log error messages that Ghostscript produces?
I’m trying to convert multiple PDFs to TIFFs and I would like to keep
a log of each conversion.
You can try to redirect the output of the commands to some file.
Jose E. Marchesijema...@gnu.org
or message identifying a
concrete line in the makefile? I can't test it here since I don't have
access to a hp-ux machine. What make are you using?
or is there a workaround for this fatal limitation?
You could try to install GNU make and to use it to build ghostscript.
d it
using the build.sh script, after running configure.
I would give it a try.
Jose E. Marchesijema...@gnu.org
GNU Project http://www.gnu.org
Hi Amit.
> Hi Is there a way to download an open-source and change it to customize? We
> need to download the Ghost script and try to rename one of the function
> eps2write as epswrite (deprecated version) for our legacy programs to be
> compatible with the newer version of ghost script In the m