2005-04-27 Thread virus
V I R U S A L E R T Our viruschecker found the W32/[EMAIL PROTECTED] virus(es) in your email to the following recipient(s): -> [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please check your system for viruses, or ask your system administrator to do so. For your reference, here are th

kesari Mail Delivery (failure

2005-04-27 Thread leotrvl
This communication is for informational purpose only. It is not intended an offer or solicitation for any transaction pertaining to purchase or sale, or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices,data or other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy an

kesari Mail Delivery (failure

2005-04-27 Thread verma
This communication is for informational purpose only. It is not intended an offer or solicitation for any transaction pertaining to purchase or sale, or as an official confirmation of any transaction. All market prices,data or other information are not warranted as to completeness or accuracy an

RE:Mail Delivery (failure

2005-04-27 Thread postmaster
Virus Scenarios/Incoming/virus checking incoming: A virus has been detected: 'W32/Netsky-P'. detected in message with subject Mail Delivery (failure [EMAIL PROTECTED]) ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list

[Conteúdo não permitido]

2005-04-27 Thread mailmarshal
** ATENÇÃO Esta é uma mensagem automática e não monitorada. Não responda essa mensagem, pois ela não será lida. **

AVISO: VIRUS Detectado

2005-04-27 Thread mailer-daemon
Seu email para ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) com assunto ( :)) foi rejeitado por conter virus. Virus encontrados: Worm.SomeFool.AD ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list

Policy Violation

2005-04-27 Thread SymantecMailSMTP
The following message sent by this account has violated system policy: From: To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 10:56:05 -0300 Subject: Sua saude esta bem? The following violations were detected: --- Scan information follows --- Virus Name: [EMAIL PROTECTED] F

RE: Mail Authentication

2005-04-27 Thread domino . admin
Privitak je zaraÅen virusom. Kontaktirajte sistem administratora. An attachment is infected by virus. Contact administrator. ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list

You sent potentially unsafe content: News

2005-04-27 Thread Postmaster T . net S . p . A .
You sent a message that contained potentially harmful content. Original message recipient(s): [EMAIL PROTECTED] Scan report: Virus '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' in ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list http://lists.gnu

I am Festus Taylor Plesse assist me

2005-04-27 Thread Festus Taylor
>From Festus Taylor Abidjan Cote d'Ivoire [EMAIL PROTECTED] Attn, I am pleased to get in touch with you for a very urgent business,although I don't know you neither have I seen you before but my confidence was reposed on you when I came across your contact during my search for a credible overseas

Symantec AVF detected that you sent a message with an unscannable attachment (SYM:02149423454270781023)

2005-04-27 Thread Administrator
Subject of the message: Re: Free porn Recipient of the message: Rick Brinkman ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list

Virus Found in message "Free porn"

2005-04-27 Thread Rick Brinkman
Symantec AntiVirus found a virus in an attachment you ( ) sent to Rick Brinkman. To ensure the recipient(s) are able to use the files you sent, perform a virus scan on your computer, clean any infected files, then resend this attachment. Attachment: www.myx4free_brinkma


2005-04-27 Thread lesco
mails von [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ Bug-ghostscript mailing list

reponse automatique

2005-04-27 Thread lafourmi
Cher(s) client(e) Nous ne gérons pas les messages envoyés sur cette adresse, comme sur l'ensemble des adresses aux travers desquelles nous vous adressons nos différents messages. Vous cherchez à joindre notre service client ? Rien de plus facile, afin d'optimiser le traitement de vos demandes et