> Hi Markus,
> The bug-ghostscript list was configured to be very picky about
> attachments, so your second one didn't come through either. I just
> changed the list config. If you haven't already just sent it to Didier,
> please resend once more. Sorry.
> Didier, any ETA on a new GNU gs
Hi Markus,
The bug-ghostscript list was configured to be very picky about
attachments, so your second one didn't come through either. I just
changed the list config. If you haven't already just sent it to Didier,
please resend once more. Sorry.
Didier, any ETA on a new GNU gs release?
Markus Steinborn wrote:
The attached patch (backported to Ghostscript 8.71 from upstream SVN
by Redhat) should fix it.
I did not get any patch in that mail, so once again...
Markus Steinborn
GNU gv maintainer