If I set globstar and use it as follows with exclude, the excluded option is
ignored. That is, the folder named “users” is descended into. Is that the
intended behavior? Is there a workaround?
du -a --exclude=users **/*.dat
tag 45987 notabug
close 45987
On 19/01/2021 17:31, Maurice R Volaski wrote:
If I set globstar and use it as follows with exclude, the excluded option is
ignored. That is, the folder named “users” is descended into. Is that the
intended behavior? Is there a workaround?
du -a --exclude=use
Do you think there is any way to do this action with du, then?
On 1/19/21, 4:49 PM, "Pádraig Brady" wrote:
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On 19/01/2021 22:36, Maurice R Volaski wrote:
On 1/19/21, 4:49 PM, "Pádraig Brady" wrote:
On 19/01/2021 17:31, Maurice R Volaski wrote:
> If I set globstar and use it as follows with exclude, the excluded
option is ignored. That is, the folder named “users” is descended into. Is