On 3/17/2019 15:28, Paul Eggert wrote:
John Marino wrote:
After applying the recent patch to 8.31 ln to fix functionality on
solaris 10, I saw some improvement but I think there's something else
e.g. # ln -s /raven/etc/fonts/conf.avail/50-user.conf .
ln: failed to create symbolic link '.
John Marino wrote:
After applying the recent patch to 8.31 ln to fix functionality on solaris 10, I
saw some improvement but I think there's something else wrong.
e.g. # ln -s /raven/etc/fonts/conf.avail/50-user.conf .
ln: failed to create symbolic link '.': Invalid argument
Thanks. Could you
After applying the recent patch to 8.31 ln to fix functionality on
solaris 10, I saw some improvement but I think there's something else wrong.
e.g. # ln -s /raven/etc/fonts/conf.avail/50-user.conf .
ln: failed to create symbolic link '.': Invalid argument
I'm sure commands like that worked wit