--- Additional Comments From hydergine at seznam dot cz 2008-12-02 22:58
The gunzipped 'divine-mc.s' has been send to your e-mail. I wasn't sure which
compiler I was to use, so I tried both:
$ i686-pc-mingw32-g++ -c -v divine-mc.s
Using built-in specs.
Target: i686-pc-mingw32
--- Additional Comments From hjl dot tools at gmail dot com 2008-12-02
18:30 ---
(In reply to comment #2)
> The 'divine-mc.s' file has almost 27 MBs and I am not sure how to find out the
> assembler command option.
You can bzip divine-mc.s and put it somewhere or email it to me di
--- Additional Comments From hydergine at seznam dot cz 2008-12-02 18:12
The 'divine-mc.s' file has almost 27 MBs and I am not sure how to find out the
assembler command option.
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--- Additional Comments From sebastian dot huber at embedded-brains dot de
2008-12-02 09:13 ---
(In reply to comment #4)
> > What happens if we implement this feature and provide a patch?
> Then we will review it and assuming that it is OK, it will be accepted
> into the source
--- Additional Comments From nickc at redhat dot com 2008-12-02 08:59
Subject: Re: New linker command file function: REGION_ALIAS
Hi Sebastian,
> Yes or no?
> What happens if we implement this feature and provide a patch?
Then we will review it and assuming that it is OK,
Hi Sebastian,
Yes or no?
What happens if we implement this feature and provide a patch?
Then we will review it and assuming that it is OK, it will be accepted
into the sources.
bug-binutils mailing list
--- Additional Comments From sebastian dot huber at embedded-brains dot de
2008-12-02 08:31 ---
Yes or no?
What happens if we implement this feature and provide a patch?
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