--- Additional Comments From amodra at bigpond dot net dot au 2006-07-22
06:02 ---
You are mistaken on two counts. Firstly, the second operand is the destination
in AT&T mode. Secondiy, an unadorned number such as 0x16 is an address. A2 is
the correct opcode.
On Fri, Jul 21, 2006 at 08:32:42AM -0400, Heinicke, Eric (US SSA) wrote:
> When we attempt to recompile same application that runs on both systems,
> we receive the following error on the repaired system:
> {standard input}:161: Error: no such 386 instruction: `je .L1596'
Your "repaired" system
mov %al, 0x16 generates the opcode A2 which is actually the opcode for mov
moffs8*, al (move al to segment:offset). The correct opcode is B0 (mov r8, imm8)
Reference: Intel Instruction Set Reference Volume 1.
Summary: mov %al, 0x16 generates the wrong opcode
Product: bi
Hoping someone might have some idea on
Started with 2 identical systems in 2000,
the processors are Pentium III, 700 MHz. The hard drives are clones of
each other.
One system breaks in 2005, mother board is
replaced, processor still Pentium III, 700 MHz.
When we attempt to