Hi Stephen,
On 9/10/23 21:58, Stephen Lewis via Bugs and suggestions for GNU APL wrote:
When using 'apl' script in a pipeline I was surprised to find formatting
clearly designed for a terminal when output was going to a file. Especially
when the formatting has the effect of changing the shap
Thank you all for the quick replies and suggestions.
Chris Moller, Bill Daly - Thanks, "Page Width" (Print Width?)
solved my immediate problem, --PW 500 on commandline or ⎕pw←500.
'tr' and 'sed' does fix the spaces and blank line but
my version (Gnu APL 1.8 from tarball) does not have --exec optio
the problem seems to be that you let APL print to a terminal (which wraps
long lines at ⎕PW).
A better way is probably to use one of the ⎕FIO functions in your
APL script as to write directly to the output file (which bypasses
the terminal).
Of course output forwarding in the shell would no
On Sun, 10 Sept 2023 at 01:08, Stephen Lewis wrote:
> Writes elements in 4 row matrix with spurious
> extra characters and a blank line.
One thing you could do is to increase the print width ⎕PW so that it
doesn't wrap, but ultimately this default printout is intended for
human consumption.
If you change your printing width APL may not print the overflow of each
line as a separate line.
tmp←2 50 ⍴ ⍳ 100
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
Try adding the option "--PW 1000" (or any large number less than
1). That will set the print width to huge.
The tr utility with the -s option can compress repeated spaces into a
single space.
sed '$d' will kill the last line.
So something like
apl --PW 500 --eval "2 70⍴⍳140" | tr -s
I am a novice and I am using APL to calculate the
points for a surface. The output will go to another
program. The goal is to write a matrix, with the correct number of rows
and columns, to a file. Elements should be separated by
and rows should be separated by . I have found that
the output is fo