> If there are updates to a Broker store, is there a way that I can get
> evented notification that a key was modified? I'm not seeing anything
> that provides that functionality yet, but I need it for something I'm
> working on.
That's currently not supported, but it's on the wish list [1].
Johanna Amann commented on BIT-1537:
Please note that I pushed a second update to the cmake
Johanna Amann updated BIT-1537:
Status: Merge Request (was: Open)
Assignee: (was: Johanna Amann)
> bro segfaults after com
Johanna Amann commented on BIT-1537:
This is fixed in topic/johanna/openssl in master and c
Open Merge Requests
IDComponentReporterAssigneeUpdated For Version
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