[board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-08 Thread Kev M
Hopes this works as I've never used a mailing list before.. 1) I'm making the assumption, not having this information, that Collabora Office is cheaper than Microsoft Office and other Office Suite software. How much cheaper is it? If it's just as functional as competitors but it is less expensi

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Some problems.

2020-07-08 Thread Kev M
t eco-system partners IMO. > On 08/07/2020 10:44 Kev M wrote: > > > Hopes this works as I've never used a mailing list before.. > > 1) I'm making the assumption, not having this information, that Collabora > Office is cheaper than Microsoft Office

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice Personal & TDF's statutes & purpose

2020-07-09 Thread Kev M
It would be better to call it "LibreOffice Unsupported" and "LibreOffice Paid Support" instead of using the terms "LibreOffice Enterprise" and "LibreOffice Personal". You're arguing that using the term "community" creates confusion because of other open source projects providing the same taggin

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice Personal & TDF's statutes & purpose

2020-07-09 Thread Kev M
I am sorry Simon, and sorry to whoever else was offended by my ageist/crude language. What I was trying to communicate is that Gen Z developers have low interest in looking at Gerrit, Bugzilla, Mailing Lists, or AskBot if there are projects that are using modern, visually pleasing and easier to

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice Personal & TDF's statutes & purpose

2020-07-09 Thread Kev M
> On 09/07/2020 14:48 Paolo Vecchi > wrote: > > > Hi Kev, > > thanks for your feedback and see inline my comments. > > On 09/07/2020 19:41, Kev M wrote: > > > > It would be better to call it "

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-10 Thread Kev M
Nice, hadn't seen this. Thanks for pointing it out Lionel. I purchased a license to support it. I like how they've framed it as LibreOffice Vanilla vs LibreOffice powered by CIB. I agree with your other points too Lionel and you've communicated it in a way I was looking to in an earlier post. T

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-10 Thread Kev M
had a chance to get back to your rather detailed and > interesting feedback en-mass; but let me respond to just this one > (nearly totally off-topic) > nugget =) > > On 10/07/2020 05:15, Kev M wrote: >> Personally, in the IT world, I usually ignore the "contact us for >

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-10 Thread Kev M
ows certified vendors the freedom to do their own branding of LibreOffice. (This would also solve the mascot issue because LO could have a vanilla tree as mascot which would fit the green theme. I'd like to see Tyson Tan make an anime character out of that.) Jul. 10, 2020 00:15:02 Kev M : >

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-13 Thread Kev M
K, this is the amazing thing about Vanilla. It's actually black. Well, it's actually more ochre-ish. Also, I get Olvier's point about it being too cartoonish to use Vanilla; but I retort: Google uses candybar names for it's versions of Android. Debian uses Toy Story characters. I could find man

Re: [board-discuss] Some problems.

2020-07-13 Thread Kev M
>Is this possible? Based on our development model, I do not think it is possible. We know that in Bugzilla there are end user requests for new features which have been sitting there for years, because either there was no request from the same feature by enterprises willing to pay for them, and ther

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [tdf-members] Personal: and software freedom.

2020-07-14 Thread Kev M
to communicate "plain, no enterprise support.' Jul. 14, 2020 04:52:38 Lionel Élie Mamane : > On Mon, Jul 13, 2020 at 12:29:03PM -0400, Kev M wrote: > >> The nice thing about Vanilla is that everyone implicity knows what >> it means; > > I don't think th

Re: [board-discuss] Big organisations not contributing

2020-07-14 Thread Kev M
>Did I mention that ~no government person has a business card: you can meet >them at a conference and chat to them while they pass by your very expensive >booth, but following that up and turning it into sales is really tough. They >also tend to operate on a timescale that is extraordinarily lon

Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Kev M
All of my comments are as a user/donor, so take from them with the importance you see fit. I believe TBD is To Be Determined. I don't know what the acronym USP means. I like "LibreOffice Technology" a lot more than "LibreOffice Engine". I still don't like slide 46: "...focused on needs of indiv

Re: [board-discuss] New Version of Strategic Marcom Plan

2020-07-15 Thread Kev M
n the implications of the term. Hard to balance interests. Just my 2 cents. > On 15/07/2020 13:19 Italo Vignoli wrote: > > > On 7/15/20 6:36 PM, Kev M wrote: > > > I still don't like slide 46: "...focused on needs of individual users" - > > Why can&

Re: [board-discuss] Initiative to improve communication channels

2020-07-17 Thread Kev M
If democraciaOS is not available/up to date I would suggest investigating https://www.loomio.org/ - They are open source under the GPL-license. There are other participatory democracy software out there that exist but I don't know many that are Open Source.

[board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, August 14th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2020-08-13 Thread Kev M
I'm guessing based on the information provided in the titles that the TDF is looking to set up a The Document "Co-operative/Corporation". If it is the case you're setting up a business entity, may I strongly plead towards setting up a multi-stakeholder platform co-operative instead of a corpora

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, August 14th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2020-08-13 Thread Kev M
What about discussing the idea in the public part of the meeting > tomorrow, are you available there? I would love to have your full name then > to ask you in the meeting to say a few sentence about the idea. > > Thanks again, hopefully speaking tomorrow a bit about the idea, al

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Friday, August 14th at 1300 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2020-08-25 Thread Kev M
Hi, Regarding setting up in Canada: Reading through this article will tell you everything you need to know regarding entities, tax, and liability implications: https://uk.practicallaw.thomsonreuters.com/9-564-0499?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&firstPage=true I think Telesto

[board-discuss] an Online move ...

2020-10-03 Thread Kev M
Interesting move. Makes a lot of sense considering the challenges with the configuration/differences of opinion WRT to TDF strategy. Personally; I still think this move doesn't address the fundamental issue around sustainability of the project/product in the hands of non-enterprise individual c

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-04 Thread Kev M
Hi Everyone, Casual observer here. Lot's of thoughts about the discussion over the last few months. I just wanted to share my opinion as someone who has worked in board governance before, donates, and wants to see the LibreOffice project succeed. There's obvious personal animosity between C