When will appointments be made to key roles in the organization chart?
3) What have you decided about TDF membership rules?
I'm sorry to be saying this, but the lack of visible governance by TDF
is having repercussions right down the line...
David Nelson
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is is where there are problems in respect of the work I'd love to
contribute to the project...
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
Thank you for your answers, Sophie, Charles and Italo.
I just read the Community Byelaws draft. When is this likely to be
finally adopted?
David Nelson
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to maintain this kind of openness about the
Foundation's accounts once you arrive at the final legal
In any case, thanks for all your work. ;-)
David Nelson
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to unsubscri
you would have had a draft to put before the
world right on day one.
But, of course, we don't live in the best of all possible worlds, do
we? Never mind. I'm still happy you did it, notwithstanding. Again,
thanks for your work, and more power to you. ;-)
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
Could i have permission to proofread the draft community bye-laws
purely from a grammatical and punctuation viewpoint, and make the
necessary corrections, so as to eliminate these little things from
your debate, so that people can be discussing just the real meat of
the matter?
Hi, :-)
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 01:07, Charles-H. Schulz
> Oh please do! :)
> thank you,
> Charles.
Great, I'll do it now. :-)
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Mon, Nov 15, 2010 at 01:07, Charles-H. Schulz
> Le Sun, 14 Nov 2010 21:30:58 +0800,
> David Nelson a écrit :
>> Hi, :-)
>> Could i have permission to proofread the draft community bye-laws
>> purely from a grammatical and punctuation vie
removed the note. :-)
It was a pleasure. Feel free to feed me more. :-)
David Nelson
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All messages you send
e rise to a difficult situation... IMHO, you would need to
establish a clear procedure for this, to avoid some tense deadlocks in
the future...
David Nelson
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ve done so (over
the next 24 hours, because I'm slave to a client for the coming
hours). Is that OK?
Also, I have an idea about a couple of legal experts I could contact
and, if they're willing, invite them to jump in on this thread and
maybe help arrive at some really bullet-proof by
l be taken until I have express
agreement from all participants in the call...
David Nelson
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inserted links where
there were cross-references in the text...
Perhaps we might be able to talk about all this in Friday's SC confcall?
HTH. ;-)
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 04:42, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi Charles, SC guys :-)
> On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 01:23, Charles-H. Schulz
> wrote:
>> David, as usual, please feel free to review the language... thanks!
>> --
>> Charles-H. Schulz
I added
t be the one to cast the first stone...
I noticed that there is no published agenda for tonight's meeting...
If I manage to stay awake, I will be there to listen in...
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 23:53, Florian Effenberger
> Sometimes, we are refering to "bye-laws". Shouldn't it be "bylaws"?
It's one of the various spellings, but it's in Webster's...
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 23:53, Florian Effenberger
> "Nonetheless" must be "Nontheless" (governance paragraph).
"Nonetheless" is in Webster's, too. ;-)
David Nelson
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> Charles.
Sure, OK, Charles, thank you, will do. :-)
David Nelson
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with REVIEWER'S NOTEs to mark-up my changes/suggestions.
My humble suggestion would be to hold off on further edits until I
"check the draft in" again...?
David Nelson
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e the green light to work on the page until "checking the page back
in" by a notifying mail message?
There are still some comments by Michael in there... I put them in
uppercase for easy location...
HTH. ;-)
David Nelson
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mechanism by which community members
could call for a ballot to be cast on a motion put forward by
concerned activists (kind of like organizing a petition)? This
mechanism would then provisionally block implementation of the
contentious decision until the vote has been held. The outcome of the
vote would be
le to have sufficient authority to organize and direct work? ;-)
I think I don't understand... Could you explain, maybe, please?
David Nelson
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stions. But I'd be interested to hear the ideas of
Charles and the SC members about the basic idea I'm putting forward...
David Nelson
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orking for LibreOffice, so one should also
expect them to take their "civic rights and duties" seriously and be
ready to think about issues regularly, and to vote as often as is
necessary. At least they'll be able to claim that there is true
Does anyone feel like answering me abou
announcement via a commonly-consulted public medium, before the
decision enters into effect."
In my very humble opinion, these final small modifications would
ensure the openness and transparency that I know you all want to
Would all this be OK?
David Nelson
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7;m with my family.
> Thanks,
> Charles.
Oh, sure, great, will do that now. Thanks for your trust in this. :-)
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 01:20, Charles-H. Schulz
> I would like -if David is done with the additions- to call for a last
> review of the text. Tomorrow morning, we will declare the bylaws
> adopted if nothing major is objected.
I put them in already. ;-)
Hi, :-)
On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 06:37, Cor Nouws wrote:
> (Nothing major: but I still see one occurrence of Chairman, where the
> officers are mentioned.)
Fixed. ;-)
David Nelson
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prepared things properly, and that it did not have a "draft
constitution" to put before people right at the outset. But instead of
just standing back and criticizing from a distance, I wanted to get
involved in remedying the problem.
Anyway, as we all well know, for every guy that say
y and delegate more work?
With all best wishes, ;-)
David Nelson
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to discuss.
Anyway, I know you'll do what you can, and thank you again for that.
In any case, I hope your holiday will be a good one. The site will be
in great shape when you get back. ;-)
David Nelson
On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 15:49, Florian Effenberger
> Hi David,
I will follow up on these
with Christian. Everyone will react with more immediacy and enthusiasm
when it's a "real" live site and not just some "dead" unvisited
staging thing.
IMHO, we need to switch over as soon as Florian is able to find the
time. Many things are depen
the fix I already requested. So
it's a temporary thing.
David Nelson
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e give me a suggestion for the "few lines of text" then.
>Twitter and blog in
> the "scrolling area" are ok, but I think a "news" area is more important
> than those tow.
Christian, is there a dedicated news/blogging module for SilverStripe?
David Nelson
P.S. My advice would be not to get into arguments with stupid people
deliberately spamming the thread with irrelevant off-topic comments.
They do it deliberate
to set this issue aside for someone else to decide about at sometime
in the future.
I hope you understand my position, guys. ;-)
David Nelson
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Hi Tom, :-)
Interesting thoughts. ;-) But, actually, the site under discussion is
What are your thoughts on that one?
David Nelson
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If you'd like a suggestion of an area to get involved in, you might
like to consider the documentation team. Do sign up for the list at
documentation+subscr...@libreoffice.org if you have time to give.
We're a small team, but we are acquiring some fine members -
Hi, :-)
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 18:33, Tom Davies wrote:
> PS this is only my opinion and i might be a little bitter and twisted nowadays
My favorite cartoon is Dilbert [1] ... At least one knows one isn't
alone in one's views. ;-D
[1] http://dilbert.com/register/
Merry Christmas, Tom. ;-)
On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 21:02, Tom Davies wrote:
> Good luck & merry Christmas everyone that is observant and everyone else i
> hope
> you have a good time too :)
> Regards from
> Tom :)
David Nelson
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@Bernard: you too?
@christian: you too?
If so, when can we give Nik a green light to start work? ;-)
[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:Nik#Interim_Website_Design_proposals
David Nelson
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get it done* without too much futzing around. :-D
David Nelson
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for you on
the site. I mailed you your password, etc. I can tutor you online
concerning working on content, if you like, via Skype. Just buzz me if
you want that. Until then, you *might* like to submit me any content
you want published, until such time as the SC takes decisions about
editorial organ
ry Christmas Day to you all! ;-)
David Nelson
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A. ;-)
[1] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:Nik
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hink you'll lose a lot of the benefit it could otherwise bring the
In any case, may I encourage you to take some clear decisions about
this over the next few days?
David Nelson
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ebsite and hand it back to you to
manage however you feel best. ;-)
> Does that help ? :-)
Well, it gives me an idea of you guys' position... Thanks for that...
But so far it doesn't actually help as such, no... :-D
In any case, thanks for your input. ;-)
David Nelson
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What do you say, guys? ;-) Can we try this experiment and see what it produces?
David Nelson
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situation regarding governance. I will start another thread on this
I will be listening with interest to the next SC confcall. ;-)
David Nelson
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I hereby request you to discuss the issue of formal adoption and
implementation of the Community Bylaws during either the next SC
confcall or - at latest - during the next-but-one SC confcall (if you
need time to prepare), and to take some formal decisions in this
respect within a short time frame
I do support TDF. I thoroughly support the values and principles
Charles wrote so admirably into the Community Bylaws. And I am very
keen to see a true and proper community life and governance started as
soon as possible. ;-)
David Nelson
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nce of any legal entity. They are a moral
form of governance and organization. Very little is keyed on any legal
entity as such. Therefore, may I please enjoin the SC to start with
implementation as soon as possible?
I truly hope that the dream you envisioned in the Community Bylaws you
wrote is no
t; BoD) within 3 weeks after the existence of an
official body of Community members.
When that happens, I feel sure that LibreOffice will truly take-off as
a community, we will see genuine meritocracy, and there will be a
healthy situation within the LibreOffice project.
David Nelson
On Sun, Ja
wish, after having pushed so hard to get it to its current
state of existence, is that it should be properly managed and
developed as a resource for the community. I trust in your
intelligence and discretion to achieve that. ;-)
David Nelson
On Sun, Jan 9, 2011 at 09:26, David Nelson wrote:
y and raise your awareness about possible
dangers that I see, and about viewpoints that may not have occurred to you.
I hope only to see the LibreOffice project and TDF survive and succeed.
But I do think the SC needs to take action *urgently*.
Hi, :-)
Small idea: have you considered using Google Apps for the project's
mail needs? *So* easy to set-up, *so* easy to maintain,
feature-packed, and I'm sure they will give TDF a free upgrade to an
enterprise account. Lots of other benefits, too.
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
If it's not a "real" libreoffice.org or documentfoundation.org
account, I don't think anyone will be interested. I know I
wouldn't bother using one of these "libreofficecommunity.org", etc.,
accounts myself i'd just use my own mail account
m me first. No just jumping in. ;-)
And, of course, we will be paying attention to feedback from the community.
SC, is the above a reasonable interpretation of your intentions?
Hi, :-)
On Sun, Jan 16, 2011 at 20:53, Volker Merschmann wrote:
> Don't you think that the rule that active contributing is mandatory
> for membership does apply? Else there will be members of different
> degrees. :-(
David Nelson
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lfresco is a not-inconsiderable process, and that you want
a minimum of 1 Gigabyte of memory, with 2 to 3 being recommended to me
for a busier system.
My server has excellent 24/7 technical support.
David Nelson
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I can satisfy this constraint, or should we just set
this idea aside?
If you don't want to assign the subdomain 'alfresco.libreoffice.org'
and if the docs team seems interested in using the site on my server,
what would be your thoughts if I renamed the domain to
Hi Florian, :-)
Ah! Now I understand why you kept me waiting for 2 weeks for any kind
of reply to my request! :-D
David Nelson
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call for this
one time? This would really be an important call for the website
team... Could you maybe do the SC call at 9 pm GMT, for instance?
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
Could you maybe make it 2 hours later? This would be likely to be a
long call.
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
If you could have the SC call at 19.00 UTC it would be so great...
This is a very special conversation we want to have tomorrow, and it's
likely to be lnngg...
David Nelson
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What do you think? ;-)
David Nelson
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Hi Charles, :-)
I understand that Mike is rescheduling the call. I'll fit in with
whatever time is chosen. (It will be about 2 a.m. my time, most
likely, if 19.00 UTC is chosen.)
David Nelson
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beyond my death, in any case. Up to then, things
should be OK. But, seriously, I would always cooperate in all good
faith in a handover, and would always make best arrangements not to
damage the LibreOffice project's interests. I *care* about the
project, and I *care* about my reputation. ;-)
Hi Andreas, :-)
You're obviously entitled to your opinions, and I'm obviously entitled
to mine. ;-)
But this is a request that I'm submitting to the SC for their consideration.
David Nelson
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All t
have an in-house documentation team that is really
specialized in the product.
David Nelson
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of the docs team have accounts on the Alfresco
> site I'm hosting right now. There is a ge
continue a discussion of the relative merits of the two
products, may I ask you to reply to this post in a *new and separate
thread*? Thank you for your understanding if so. ;-)
David Nelson
On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 22:02, David Nelson wrote:
> Hi Florian, :-)
> All the active members of
posts coming at the rate of about 3 a week... That would only be one
blog post per SC member every once in a while... Could be very
beneficial to community life?
2 cents. ;-)
David Nelson
Hi Florian, :-)
I could volunteer as well, if you like.
David Nelson
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umentation team contributors are currently in disgrace? ;-)
David Nelson
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Hi Charles, :-)
In that case, would it be a good idea to have a link to them in the
text of the "Get Help" page?
If so, can you give the links you suggest?
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 20:45, Andre Schnabel wrote:
> I'd guess sooner or later three MC members will not be enough to process
> all the applications and review all types of activities.
If you need a hand, please feel free to invite me.
David Nelson
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ep forward towards the community's organization. Viva LibreOffice!
David Nelson
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> that ? At present, I have no access as author to the TDF website, and
> don't see any real need to have one. Couldn't I just send someone the
> translation ?
If you like, you can send it to me and I'll post it Monday or Tuesday.
David Nelson
Hi, :-)
I had another read through the bylaws, and there is one section that
might be usefully updated: Continuity of Membership.
The clause granting merit for past OOo contributions and qualifying
former OOo people is surely past now? Does that clause still have
David Nelson
Hi, :-)
I took the liberty of proofreading the post a bit and editing
slightly. See below, plus attached ODT file. HTH.
David Nelson
TDF has new members
The opening of the membership process was announced last Tuesday
ear but it seems that the
lessons have not been learned.
MC, SC, could we perhaps hear your thoughts about this?
David Nelson
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 21:09, Nino Novak wrote:
> David,
> please bear with me as I am not an native English speaker, so therefore
> I might pick the wrong ex
ho started
with the project after the project launch to forever give free
entrance to people from OOo.
David Nelson
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Hi, :-)
The recording of the SC meeting of 2011-05-12 placed on the wiki is
incomplete. Please, would it be possible to have the recording of the
entire meeting posted?
David Nelson
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All messages
eetings and the falling
attendance are both indisputable...
David Nelson
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I remember that, some time ago, Michael Meeks suggested OpenSTV as a
tool (http://www.openstv.org/).
David Nelson
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When you've made your edits, can I have permission to proofread and
make minor grammar/spelling corrections?
David Nelson
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fore starting work and
after finishing work. :-)
David Nelson
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On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 22:22, David Nelson wrote:
> Otherwise, I was only going to add a clause about transferring TDF's
> funds into my personal bank account every 6 months...
For those of you that didn't realise, that was a joke... Someone just
mailed me off-list who d
gt; the final ballot.
It's true that this could be a good way to "take the temperature" in
the community about issues being voted on... Maybe our LibreOffice SC
could think about this before the bylaws are fully stabilized?
David Nelson
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Hi Michael,
On Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 23:20, Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi David,
> Thanks for these, really makes it cleaner, I applied them all - they
> seem un-controversial etc.
Cool, thanks. :-)
David Nelson
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Hi Florian,
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 18:45, Florian Effenberger
> Each organization *appoints* a single representative to the Advisory Board
> based on a yearly fee to be determined by the BoD.
David Nelson
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enience?) If you accept the subject
for the agenda, I will be there to listen in and, if invited, debate
the angles.
David Nelson
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d opportunity to put this issue to rest, one way
or another, once and for all, by asking the SC to adopt a position.
David Nelson
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ith "meritocratic organization created by". Maybe that
would solve the problem? (Did you notice the removed comma, which was
David Nelson
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request to the SC to take a decision
on this issue in a private session.
IMHO, it would be good to put the subject to rest once and for all.
David Nelson
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ere to be composed of more than 4
members... I feel that at least 6 to 9 members would ensure better
processing of MC business, and would ensure better quality
decision-taking (better assurance of impartiality, etc.).
David Nelson
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Well how about "meritocratic community created by" then?
David Nelson
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27;ll add it to the next agenda and would be there to listen, and
to present both sides of the issue, if invited. But if it's going to
be a private session then maybe non-SC members won't be party to the
David Nelson
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hat might ensue?
In any case, I'll add it to the next agenda and thank you for your
permission for that.
David Nelson
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