Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Andreas, thank you for you valuable feedback. As I've been under investigation for potential personal interests on LOOL, by potentially conflicted members of the board, for a few months I will refrain from influencing the discussion and until the investigation is over to vote on any decisi

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Stephan Ficht
Hi Andreas, all, dear board members, @Andreas: I think your point of view is an interesting and logical way to look at this point. I am asking to know each director's opinion on this. Then we can discuss it and everyone can form an informed opinion. Am 29.10.22 um 22:07 schrieb Andreas Man

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Andreas, all. So sorry to have to keep repeating this, but the error it relates to is still being repeated without regard to my earlier explanations. On Sat, Oct 29, 2022 at 9:07 PM Andreas Mantke wrote: > If board members (with a CoI themselves on this topic) think, another > board member h

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Andreas Mantke
Hi all, hi Simon, Am 30.10.22 um 13:16 schrieb Simon Phipps: (...) If you have a look into the statutes of TDF you'll find out  that it is necessary that at least the half of the board could attend the meeting. The half of the board are four members. Thus the board is not qu

[board-discuss] Proposal of Basic Lobby Activity on Behalf of TDF

2022-10-30 Thread Italo Vignoli
Following a request made on this list, which I filter (so, I won't read messages which are sent just to this list), this is the email I have sent to the Board of Directors. --- In Milan it has been mentioned several times the need of increasing the presence of the LibreOffice community at EU

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Andreas, (and sorry for a second post here today all) On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:40 PM Andreas Mantke wrote: > sorry for beeing a bit undiplomatic on this topic. But your statements > are not in accordance with the CoI policy of TDF. > The TDF policy

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Andreas Mantke
Hi all, hi Simon, and also sorry for another post to correct misleading statements. Am 30.10.22 um 18:51 schrieb Simon Phipps: Hi Andreas, (and sorry for a second post here today all) On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 12:40 PM Andreas Mantke wrote: sorry for beeing a bit undiplomatic on this topic

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Stephan Ficht
Hi Simon, Am 30.10.22 um 18:51 schrieb Simon Phipps: In particular the wording of section 2 could lead a reader to the wrong conclusions. Everyone can read there [1]: "A personal interest is not identical to, but tends to qualify as a Conflict of Interest when it *can* result in improper cond

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Cor Nouws
Hi, Andreas Mantke wrote on 29/10/2022 22:07: 7. Status Report, Discuss: Atticization of Online (tdf-board, 10 mins) ... because there are four board members with a direct link to the product Collabora Online (staff of Collabora Productivity or staff/owner of Allotropia, which has a contract

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Simon Phipps
Hi Stephan! OK, one more reply (against my better judgement!) On Sun, Oct 30, 2022 at 7:52 PM Stephan Ficht <> wrote: > > Am 30.10.22 um 18:51 schrieb Simon Phipps: > > In particular the wording of section 2 could lead a reader to the wrong > > conclusions. >