Dear Members,
I would like to stand for elections to the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation (again).
I am Jan Holešovský, known as "Kendy" to many, 44 years old, married,
father of two girls, living in the Czech Republic. I work for
Collabora as an Engineering Manager, but still love
On 24/11/2021 00:41, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
Dear directors, all,
calling for a VOTE on the just-published draft update to the CoI
policy [1], to modify our Rules of Procedure [2] - such that we
reference version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy:
In addition to § 7, (5) of the
Dear Members,
I would like to stand for elections to the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation.
I am Ayhan Yalçınsoy, 43 years old, married,
father of a girl, living in the Turkey. I am working in public sector as a Technician, graduated doctorate on Management and Administration and I h
Hi all,
+1 for it as approval from me.
Many thanks to all people from the board, the membership committee,
the attorney, the team, the advisory board, members who worked hard
to get this to this compromise version since that was a slightly
longer process wit
Hi there,
I would like to run as candidate for the Board of Directors.
My name is Gabriel Masei and I’m a senior C/C++ developer at 1&1 company,
Mail & Media department, Free Products team, Bucharest - Romania. My main
task is to integrate Collabora Online / LibreOffice Online into our Onlin
Il 24/11/21 00:41, Thorsten Behrens ha scritto:
calling for a VOTE on the just-published draft update to the CoI
policy [1], to modify our Rules of Procedure [2] - such that we
reference version 1.3.1 of the CoI policy:
In addition to § 7, (5) of the statutes, the Board of Directo
Dear Members,
I would like to stand for elections to the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation.
I'm Caolán McNamara, full time developer on LibreOffice and member of
the ESC. I'm employed as a Principal Engineer by Red Hat as part of the
Desktop Team and have been involved with LibreOffic
Dear Community,
the nomination phase for the election of the next Board of Directors is
still open until
Thursday, 2021-11-25, 24:00 CET/UTC+1
If you haven't done yet, please consider to nominate yourself or another
TDF Member that you think could be a good fit for the role.
Please send nom