Hi Florian,
The link http://autotests.opendocumentformat.org from item "Required 1."
does not work.
Do you have another reference for ODFAutoTests?
The search result from item "Required 2." contains Meta-issues.
Expanding them results in 80 issues.
Using Whiteboard as search criteri
On 29.10.21 14:57, Regina Henschel wrote:
Hi Florian,
The link http://autotests.opendocumentformat.org from item "Required 1."
does not work.
Do you have another reference for ODFAutoTests?
the git repo is here:
but it does look quite inactiv
I, Michael Meeks, elected member of the Board of Directors of The
Document Foundation, hereby and until further notice, nominate the
following deputy to represent me during board calls and meetings:
1. Nicolas Christener
All the best,