[board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11

2020-09-15 Thread Florian Effenberger
The Document Foundation Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11 Meeting Minutes Date: 2020-09-11 Location: Jitsi Session chair: Franklin Weng Keeper of the minutes: Stephan Ficht In the meeting: Gabriele Ponzo (MC), Cor Nouws (Board), Paolo Vecchi (Deputy), Franklin Weng (Board), Florian Effen

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11

2020-09-15 Thread GPS di Gabriele Ponzo
Thank you for sharing. Just a little correction please: Il giorno mar 15 set 2020 alle ore 14:25 Florian Effenberger < flo...@documentfoundation.org> ha scritto: > > [...] + been reached out to by many members (Gabriele) > + wanted to represent their concerns. > + not define

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11

2020-09-15 Thread Andreas Mantke
Hi, Am 15.09.20 um 14:24 schrieb Florian Effenberger: > > The Document Foundation > Board of Directors Meeting 2020-09-11 > Meeting Minutes > > Date: 2020-09-11 > Location: Jitsi > > Session chair: Franklin Weng > Keeper of the minutes: Stephan Ficht > > In the meeting: Gabriele Ponzo (MC), Cor No

[board-discuss] Results for the 2020 Membership Committee election

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear members, With the preliminary MC election results posted last Friday, and having received no objections within the challenge period, that ended a few hours ago, it is my pleasure to now declare the official results of the 2020 Membership Committee election. *FINAL RESULTS*: The board decla

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Muhammet, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of T

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Marina, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Gabriele, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of T

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Gustavo, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of Th

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Haris, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Shinji, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Uwe, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The Do

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Jona, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The D

[board-discuss] Acceptance of MC role

2020-09-15 Thread Franklin Weng
Dear Dennis, Let me first take this opportunity to personally congratulate you for your election into the Membership Committee. Then I kindly invite you to officially accept your position in the MC by answering to this message with a "Reply all". With best regards, Franklin Weng on behalf of The