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- Florian
Florian Monfort
Marketing Apprentice at Red Hat
Paris Area, France
Confirm that you know Florian Monfort:
this is just a short reminder that next Wednesday, November 28th, at
1600 UTC, the next public Board of Directors call takes place.
Dial-in details are available at
The agenda, where you can add items you want to tal
> Thorsten Behrens wrote on 2012-11-22 10:49:
>> I'd like to request a budget of € 263.90 for booth and travel
>> expenses incurred during our presence at Berlin Foundation Day, and
>> the KOMPASS award reception the night before, hosted by the German
>> Head Association for Foundations.
Dear board,
I'd like to call for your vote on a new infrastructure budget, but not
without some explanations:
As you might have seen from the postings on the website list, the
infrastructure team met a few days ago, planning the next steps.
Luckily, we have been offered hardware support by a