Hello Florian,
On 22/07/2021 14.18, Florian Effenberger wrote:
Apologies if that caused confusion - from what I am aware, there have
been no further discussions. Chances are it was a topic in the ESC, but
at least from the tendering side of things, there are no news yet.
Thanks for the clar
..."for the rolling release", I meant, of course :)
Florian Effenberger wrote on 22.07.21 at 14:18:
...indeed, while it's a prerequisite for the auto-updater,
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Hello Michael,
thanks a lot for the follow-up!
Michael Weghorn wrote on 21.07.21 at 22:16:
To me as a non-native English speaker, the above sentence sounds a bit
like there were already more specific plans than what I can remember
from back then and I cannot remember (but might have missed) a
just a personal comment on this sentence in the draft:
With plans of a “rolling release” model, that results in more frequent
updates, e.g. biweekly or monthly, we want to improve this system.
Just to mention it: The rolling release idea was - among others -
discussed in an ESC call i