AW: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2023-01-11 Thread Björn Ranft
Hi Samuel, Hi All, sry for my late reply, I was on the rest on my vacation. wollmux-conf-service ist currently not used @LHM but has been prepared to reduce dependencies, the process is: 1) Linux/Windows - Script which reads the logged in user name 2) query username to GOsa (https://de.wik

AW: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2023-01-02 Thread susanne.mohn-lo
Hi all, Hi Marina, I have wollmux installed With the latest released version from last year from December 30 2022, you need JRE 11. I'm using Windows 11, the wollmux.conf must look like this DEFAULT_CONTEXT "./config/" %include "./config/conf/main.conf" %include "./config/conf/wollmuxbar_stand

AW: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2022-12-06 Thread susanne.mohn-lo
Moin moin Stephan Wie know this Word in the North of Germany too. Translate it with Translate "Eierlegendewollmilchsau" : Egg Laying Wooly Pig That is not a good name for a good tool like WollMux. Susanne -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Stephan Ficht Gesendet: Dienstag, 6.

AW: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2022-12-05 Thread susanne.mohn-lo
Moin moin (north german for good morning) Does anyone know, where the wollmux comes from? Change it to English? MUX comes from Linux for Munic. And Woll? It's the german name for wool. It wood be very nice us in Schleswig-Holstein to have this AddIn. Susanne -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- V

AW: [board-discuss] WollMux adoption proposal for The Document Foundation

2022-11-23 Thread susanne.mohn-lo
Dear all This is a very good idea! In order to make the Wollmux Extension available for large organizations, a central distribution (Windows: via ActiveDirectorie or SCCM) must be possible. As well as checking whether JAVA Runtime is installed and the Installation/provision of a customized config.