as usual, a short reminder, that our next Board of Directors call will
take place next Wednesday, September 19th, at 1500 UTC.
Dial-in details and the agenda you are free to edit are available at
If you cannot attend, please remembe
just a quick reminder: The next BoD call takes place this Wednesday at
1500 UTC.
Dial-in details and the agenda are at the usual place in the wiki.
Florian Effenberger, Chairman of the Board
Tel: +49 8341 99660880 | Mobile: +49 151 14424108
The Document Foundation, Zimmerst
the next (and probably last for this year) BoD call will be this
Wednesday, 1600 UTC. Dial-in details and agenda are at the usual place.
We will also have a private call, so all BoD members are encouraged to join.
Looking forward to hearing you,
Florian Effenberger
Board o