1. Call to order & Roll Call
The meeting took place on 2022-03-31.
Present: Gustavo Pacheco, Gabriele Ponzo, Muhammet Kara, Uwe Altmann,
Marina Latini, Shinji Enoki, Ahmad Haris, Dennis Roczek, Jona Azizaj
2. New Members
The Membership Committee has received Membership Applications since the
1. Call to order & Roll Call
The meeting took place on 2021-03-31.
Present: Uwe Altmann, Marina Latini, Shinji Enoki, Ahmad Haris, Gustavo
Pacheco, Gabriele Ponzo, Muhammet Kara, Dennis Roczek
2. New Members
The Membership Committee has received Membership Applications since the
last review of