[board-discuss] Candidacy for a BoD seat: Thorsten Behrens

2017-11-27 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Dear Community, Members of the TDF, and Membership Committee, I currently serve as a director on the board of The Document Foundation, and I would like to run again. My full name is Thorsten Behrens, as of today I'm 43 years old, and a father of three boys. Together with my wonderful wife & fello

[board-discuss] Candidacy for a BoD seat: Thorsten Behrens

2015-11-26 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Dear Community, Members of the TDF, and Membership Committee, I'd hereby like to state that I'll be running again for a Board of Directors seat with The Document Foundation. My full name is Thorsten Behrens, as of today I'm 41 years old, and a father of three boys. Together with my wonderful wife