Dne 10. 01. 23 v 18:20 Florian Effenberger napsal(a):
localization is definitely a priority at TDF, so apologies if a wrong
impression was created here. We are glad that with LibreOffice available
in so many languages, we as a community make it possible for many people
to use free and o
Hello board,
I would like to ask: what is the current status of the Weblate
improvements that should have been funded by TDF? It is almost one year
ago when we translators were asked to prioritize a list of possibilities
[1], however nothing has followed since then.
To put it into a broader
Dear board,
I am not against the discussion about "editions", however I find the
current implementation to be very unhelpful and misleading. "Intended
for individual use" part will be misunderstood as "forbidden for not
individual use", discouraging the users.
I understand the motivation to