Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-04-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
irman will instruct an impartial and objective CoI evaluation for all the members of the board and the adoption of clear fiduciary duties that all board members must follow to remove the doubts that members of the board of trustees are expressing. Thanks, Cor Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecc

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-31 Thread Paolo Vecchi
lly evaluate in a transparent, impartial and objective way if there are and were undeclared personal interests and actual conflict of interests. It is an act of transparency and continuity with its past decisions for which the whole board will surely want to show its immediate commitment

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, April 3rd, 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2023-03-31 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, On 31/03/2023 02:16, Thorsten Behrens wrote: 2. Status Report, Discuss: Update on formalising board fiduciary duties (Paolo Vecchi, Cor Nouws, 5 mins) if anyone would like to read the draft of the proposal and related documents here's the link:

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2023-03-20

2023-03-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi
why didn't declare Cor also a personal interest about this three topics? Sorry if it is not there. IIRC I said the same applied for me - as is usually the case - so my name should be there in the minutes too. Cheers, Cor Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors Th

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Re: [Vote] hiring external communication expert

2023-01-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi
pprovals, 0 abstains, 2 disapprovals. Also one deputy supports the motion. -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:

Re: [board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
this list and the attacks are very problematic. Regards, Andreas -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfä

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] New proposal for hiring in-house developers.

2022-12-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ive way and avoid pushing forward decisions that down the line will create issues and debates, as I believe this will bring. Considering the above and hoping that somehow fixes will be implemented if this vote passes, I abstain. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Docume

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon...

2022-12-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
s on a specific item? How is called if that interest is declared after having influenced a decision? Maybe we should find the answer to those questions before carrying on with this "new proposal"? Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Direct

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Off-topic character assassinations - do we really need moderation again?

2022-12-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ppened via phone, messenger and chat. Mind that it was vacation time, and several directors had no immediate access to their email. Cheers, Thorsten -- -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähig

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Off-topic character assassinations - do we really need moderation again?

2022-11-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi
discovering the Foundation roots. "Fun fact": the last message I received before moderation was activated seems to be the one from Daniel complaining about being harassed by "the supervisor" Cheers, Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Docu

Re: [board-discuss] the importance of shepherding this list & TDF

2022-11-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi
he immense good he does here. AFAIK nobody wants to attack or exclude Thorsten. That doesn't mean he should not be criticised if some think that among the many good things he does there are others that are actually quite negative. Then naturally you can't expec

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ent and articulated ways, even when I'm trying to stay balanced and try hard to fulfill my role as vice-chairman by giving voice to everyone. Regards, -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechts

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi
esn't fit with TDF mission, doesn't pursue TDF vision, and doesn't help the community at large. Thanks. Sophie -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Documen

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi
elopers, please refer to information on the pages 3-8 of the abandoned dev proposal: " -%<------ Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Docume

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-28 Thread Paolo Vecchi
u could invest a bit more time in evaluating the facts so that you could fine tune your advice do a situation that doesn't seem to fit with the behaviours expected in most boards. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707

Re: [board-discuss] fast ahead soon... Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi
de to work with "others" while you had your colleague working with me? Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: https://w

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi
. Best, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signature Description

[board-discuss] Fwd: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi
rd-discuss] [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1 Date: Thu, 24 Nov 2022 17:35:08 +0100 From: Paolo Vecchi To: Board Discuss Dear board and all, during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, I have the impression that some live in a different reality or simply don't check things before coming up with statements. On 26/11/2022 13:02, Thorsten Behrens wrote: Hi all, Paolo Vecchi wrote: On 25/11/2022 14:04, Florian Effenberger wrote: We believe that would do a l

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi
rom directors that publicly supported the proposal and agreed on the way forward it seems like you email had the effect to get directors to pause their vote while checking if your statement had any connection with reality. By now directors should have verified and confirmed that what I stated

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-26 Thread Paolo Vecchi
phs of the document showed that you agreed on the text. Regards, Andreas -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechts

Re: [board-discuss] [DISCUSS] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ssed their support for the proposal which, as agreed, has been finalised by both myself and Jan so I'm sure the community is expecting that they follow through with their votes. Florian Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürsten

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
+1 Paolo On 24/11/2022 17:35, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Dear board and all, during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal discussed with our legal counsel and then proceed with the vote. As we went through all

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, just a gentle reminder that the following vote has been started. Paolo On 24/11/2022 17:35, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Dear board and all, during LibOCon it has been agreed that we would iron out the divergences about the last few sentences, we would have the proposal discussed with our

[board-discuss] [VOTE] Approve in-house developers proposal v.3.1

2022-11-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ontracts -%<-- The vote runs 72h from now. If all full board members voted before, the vote can be concluded earlier. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige r

Re: [board-discuss] Re: Progress on Inhouse-Developer Proposal?

2022-11-19 Thread Paolo Vecchi
s the volunteers in the committee. I've asked for clear explanations for the board's behaviour as well but never got a meaningful answer. Looking forward to understand more about what has driven some members of the board in taking that odd and unexplained decision. Best, -- Thorsten Ci

Re: Progress on Inhouse-Developer Proposal? (was Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, November 14th, 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1))

2022-11-18 Thread Paolo Vecchi
en vetted by our legal counsel and the last sentence is covered by previously agreed text so I believe this version is ready to be voted on: Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürs

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-11-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, On 07/11/2022 10:53, Thorsten Behrens wrote: Hi *, just a few thoughts, since I seem to be mentioned in the email. ;) Paolo Vecchi wrote: On 05/11/2022 00:04, Stephan Ficht wrote: Sorry, Simon, but IMHO I don't think this is the right wording. PI and, if there are, resulting

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-11-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi
any doubts about potential conflicts of interest. Feel free to suggest any improvements that will help streamlining the processes. Cheers Stephan Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 31st at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+1)

2022-10-30 Thread Paolo Vecchi
on and vote on the proposal. Thus the proposal was not approved. Conclusion: there is also no approved basis for topic 7. That would be my take but it seems the majority of the board disagrees. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Fou

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi
arcane case at all. It would be great to finally discussing constructively this kind of issues in public instead of dismissing them like that making progress much longer than needed. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Founda

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi
oud hosting business that apparently deploys NextCloud and OwnCloud for clients, using your logic Paolo Vecchi should have removed himself from any and all conversations about LibreOffice Online and take no part in any future discussion about them, as he clearly has a related interest. I am not expec

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-10-17

2022-10-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ic fiduciary duties are. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signat

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-17 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Cor, On 17/10/2022 11:09, Cor Nouws wrote: Hi, Paolo Vecchi wrote on 17/10/2022 10:13: I'm the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to have that session in public. We're still talking about an investigation. We are talking about a public investigation

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-17 Thread Paolo Vecchi
m the one being accused of something so I believe it's my right to have that session in public. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürge

Re: [board-discuss] Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, October 17th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-10-14 Thread Paolo Vecchi
uests, no new elements surfaced and there are anyway no sensitive legal topics attached to the item. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal de

[board-discuss] [DECISION] Adopt the new CoC Policy

2022-10-10 Thread Paolo Vecchi
l has been accepted. Two deputies supports the motion. Best regards, Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:https://www.documentfoundation.o

Re: [board-discuss] Updated Code of Conduct - blind-sided

2022-10-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
at when actually enforcing the CoC they will respectfully listen to all views and act in an inclusive and balanced way.     Regards,     Michael. [1] - the latest Contributor Covenant is rather less problematic than in the past -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directo

Re: [board-discuss] Final version of the developers proposal [was: Board of Directors Meeting 2022-09-05]

2022-09-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
specifically mentioned projects. Once our legal counsel evaluated the document and suggested the needed modifications we should be ready to vote it into action. Ciao Paolo On 22/09/2022 23:37, Jan Holesovsky wrote: Hi Paolo, Paolo Vecchi píše v So 10. 09. 2022 v 15:45 +0200: I am happy to

Re: [board-discuss] Conflict of interests - Agenda for TDF board meeting on Monday, September 19th at 1800 Berlin time (UTC+2)

2022-09-16 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, On 16/09/2022 12:37, Florian Effenberger wrote: ### Private Part 7. Discuss: Hearing wrt LOOL/COOL CoI for Paolo (Paolo Vecchi, 15 mins) Some members of the board alleged that I was in Conflict of Interests (CoI) in regards to LibreOffice Online (LOOL) and Collabora Office Online

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Jan, On 15/09/2022 11:41, Jan Holesovsky wrote: Hi Paolo, Paolo Vecchi píše v Čt 15. 09. 2022 v 11:27 +0200: Andreas' email is polite I am sorry, but "It shows that there is no will of cooperation from five members of the board." does not sound polite to me. That comment

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi
e that you apply a discrimination never seen before. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: https://www.documentfoun

Re: [board-discuss] [NO DECISION] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-14 Thread Paolo Vecchi
## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: https://www.docum

Re: [board-discuss] Board of Directors Meeting 2022-09-05

2022-09-10 Thread Paolo Vecchi
n and the result should be voted on. Would you agree? All the best, Kendy Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:https:/

Re: [board-discuss] Disappointing trademark pieces

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ef. That brief & what is subsequently done with the advice would (I imagine) be provided by this (self-appointed?) small board sub-group including: Paolo Vecchi from the legal committee, and Emiliano Vavassori who mailed - I would expect in conjunction with Mike Schinagl as counsel, and Fl

Re: [board-discuss] Re: "Documents Pro - Write & Edit" & others on Mac AppStore

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ne have any further information about who is behind these products, and if so, why they are failing to recognize the contribution of the FOSS community behind it, the licence(s) under which it is distributed, and  seemingly, a link pointing to the availability of the source code ? Is the Board

[board-discuss] Re: [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-09-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
+1 Paolo On 31/08/2022 23:46, Emiliano Vavassori wrote: On 2022-03-07 areas of oversight were assigned to members of the Board of Directors. It named Thorsten Behrens, Paolo Vecchi and Jan (Kendy) Holešovský for the legal oversight group regarding the topics “contracts, legal compliance

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Andreas/all, On 06/09/2022 18:44, Andreas Mantke wrote: Hi Paolo, hi all, Am 06.09.22 um 13:39 schrieb Paolo Vecchi: Hi Andreas, On 05/09/2022 17:50, Andreas Mantke wrote: (...) This new patch was merged as signed by me. I wasn't asked if I was fine with the new patch and I

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi
yone else is fine with the current process. Maybe it was just a misunderstanding and the delay in answering back due to the fact that you couldn't login into gerrit might have led some to believe that you didn't want to interact with the issue and the proposed changes. I'm sure ev

Re: [board-discuss] Lets sort out the patch review before continuing here (was: Merging Of Contributions)

2022-09-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi
and future projects and LibreOffice Technology's based consumers/providers. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Andras, On 02/09/2022 18:47, Andras Timar wrote: Hi, On Fri, Sep 2, 2022 at 5:38 PM Andreas Mantke wrote: Hi all, Am 01.09.22 um 23:16 schrieb Paolo Vecchi: > Hi all, > > On 01/09/2022 22:47, Michael Meeks wrote: >> I would expect the ESC should in

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
y mistake so I guess it's unlikely for it to happen again. I've noticed the very positive and prompt review of this incident by Thorsten so it's nice to see that solutions that work for all can be found quickly when the will is there ;-) Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Bo

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
I don't know if the ESC could have done anything about it, I guess it's hard to spot a cool among many lool but then we'll have to notify all developers that branding, which on top of it break things for other projects, in core is not or should not be allowed. Ciao Paolo

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
uld be "brand neutral" and create a level playing field for all contributors being voluntary or commercial. Not being a developer I might get things mixed up but I guess the board should evaluate if the necessary policies and checks are in place. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - M

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
plementation? Wondering if it affects also others like OSSII or similar similar projects based on LibreOffice Technology. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ds, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Andreas, On 01/09/2022 17:13, Andreas Mantke wrote: Hi Paolo, Am 01.09.22 um 16:47 schrieb Paolo Vecchi: Hi Andreas, On 01/09/2022 16:34, Andreas Mantke wrote: I wonder if it is useful to open a second (or more than that) communication channel for this with Gerrit for code review (with

Re: [board-discuss] Merging Of Contributions

2022-09-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
rstand how to avoid that issue. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige r

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-08-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
munity can check the progress and start contributing to? Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal deta

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-07-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ce, GDPR, trademarks” shall be replaced by the new members Caolán McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori and Paolo Vecchi. (All other oversight groups remain unchanged.) We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start Friday, 2022-07-29 00:00 UTC+2/CEST and will then run for 72h. This vote is propos

Re: [board-discuss] [VOTE] TDF to change composition of legal oversight group

2022-07-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi
iance, GDPR, trademarks” shall be replaced by the new members Caolán McNamara, Emiliano Vavassori and Paolo Vecchi. (All other oversight groups remain unchanged.) We hereby call for the following VOTE, which will start Friday, 2022-07-29 00:00 UTC+2/CEST and will then run for 72h. This vote is pro

Re: [board-discuss] no obvious double-standards (was: List Moderation - Apply Double Standards?)

2022-07-19 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Cor, On 19/07/2022 17:49, Cor Nouws wrote: that is spreads misinformation about what the CoI policy is for please do explain to us what you think the Conflict of Interest Policy is for as some might have got it completely wrong then. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of

Re: [board-discuss] no obvious double-standards (was: List Moderation - Apply Double Standards?)

2022-07-15 Thread Paolo Vecchi
t board-discuss mailing list, the moderation put in place is of no use and it should just be removed to stop giving the impression that some members of the board don't want uncomfortable, but sometimes needed, discussions in public. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Dire

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Offer AppStore LibreOffice for a fee

2022-07-13 Thread Paolo Vecchi
tep to get the apps out. Oversight group, further work, marketing & development needs we should discuss in the following weeks. Florian -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Open letter for revive LOOL, add your +1 if you agree

2022-07-13 Thread Paolo Vecchi
- Uso LibreOffice, por privacidad, seguridad y control de mis datos. Da un vistazo a la mejor suite de oficina: O únete a la Comunidad Hispana: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Found

Re: [board-discuss] LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Laszlo, On 11/07/2022 17:38, wrote: Hi Paolo, Hi All, On 2022-07-11 15:52, Paolo Vecchi wrote: Hi all, I just wanted to ask the community how they think LibreOffice should be published in the various app stores. Should it be: a. available at a cost b

[board-discuss] LibreOffice in app stores free, paid or both?

2022-07-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ts in writing and also having you in the meeting to share your point of view. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:

[board-discuss] Re: [tdf-internal] Board Discuss being moderated

2022-07-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
tle children in public. And yes, I'm all for discussing it in the board carefully now first. Obviously. So what was the point of asking the community if it would be OK to do it if it has been already done? Cheers, Cor Ciao Paolo Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/07/2022 19:13: not sure if

Re: [board-discuss] Whether technical moderation of this list is needed

2022-07-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
t;passive-aggressive" if sentences are not understood in their context and with a bit of background information. Following long discussions might be a bit of a pain but one can take informed decisions only if has a wider understanding of the issues. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
r the wider community to tell us clearly what they want. ... and naturally to see the result of your effort. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
r for evaluation? Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signature Description: Op

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-06 Thread Paolo Vecchi
we use in Italy but it's not clear what you mean with it or to what/whom you are referring to. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document

Re: [board-discuss] re-discovering the Foundation roots?

2022-07-04 Thread Paolo Vecchi
blog/2012/02/20/the-document-foundation-officially-incorporated-in-berlin-germany/) That could help new members of the board in understanding what they have to take in consideration while performing their duties. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Docu

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] Delayed atticization for LibreOffice Online

2022-07-04 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ts to the vote were (in alphabetical order): Ayhan, Caolán, Cor, Emiliano, Gabriel, Kendy, László, Thorsten -- Thorsten -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts L

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-07-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi
rtant to understand what led to a specific situation to evaluate the measures that should be implemented to correctly deal with issues and proposals. Cheers, -- Thorsten Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 1070

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-07-01 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ut I did propose at the time to have also TDF branded connectors for NextCloud, ownCloud, Univention, etc. so that users would have a choice (naturally notifying that supported/enterprise version were available from our members of the ecosystem) but unfortunately that choice has been removed fr

Re: [board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-29 Thread Paolo Vecchi
nt. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: OpenPGP_signature Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Re: [board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-27 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ent and future commercial contributors. Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: Op

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ommunity so that it will be easier to help each others. Cheers Sophie Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: https://www.documentfoun

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-25 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ry bits are done, I'll come back and try to make a proposal for the further process to get LOOL back under the TDF umbrella. Regards, Andreas Am 21.06.22 um 14:15 schrieb Paolo Vecchi: Hi all, just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with proposals in regards to LibreOf

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
eas Am 24. Juni 2022 11:29:16 MESZ schrieb Paolo Vecchi : Hi Franklin, thanks for the great proposal. As the LOOL archival discussion is planned for Monday I'll ask the board to modify the agenda to start discussing your' and Andreas' proposal. There

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to contribute to LOOL. Details can be discussed with OSSII. Regards, Franklin -- *Simon Phipps* /TDF Trustee/ -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Be

Re: [board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
d to LOOL (and OxOOL community version too). Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to contribute to LOOL. Details can be discussed with OSSII. Regards, Franklin Paolo Vecchi 於 2022/6/21 20:15 寫道: Hi all, just a heads up in case the community wo

[board-discuss] Re: LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-24 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ack ported) and bugfixes will be back ported to LOOL (and OxOOL community version too). Of course, after reliving LOOL all developers are welcomed to contribute to LOOL. Details can be discussed with OSSII. Regards, Franklin Paolo Vecchi 於 2022/6/21 20:15 寫道: Hi all, just a heads up in ca

Re: [board-discuss] Work On Update LOOL (was Re: LOOL is about to be archived)

2022-06-23 Thread Paolo Vecchi
me back and try to make a proposal for the further process to get LOOL back under the TDF umbrella. Regards, Andreas Am 21.06.22 um 14:15 schrieb Paolo Vecchi: Hi all, just a heads up in case the community would like to come up with proposals in regards to LibreOffice On-Line. As you might be aw

[board-discuss] Another "merged" proposal of in-house developers

2022-06-22 Thread Paolo Vecchi
tion once we have evaluated the candidates and when our mentors will inform us of what is necessary. Development contracts present in the other proposal will follow the due tendering process. I hope that the rationale for not including certain areas, terms and limitations is clear to all

[board-discuss] LOOL is about to be archived

2022-06-21 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Ciao Paolo [0] [1] [2] -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation,

Re: [Meta] Discussing in board-discuss [ was: Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF]

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ointing out potential issues and I've actually appreciated that. I think there should be more people like him to keep the board in check and make sure we don't get too complacent or reliant on a narrative coming from only one source. Cheers Simon -- *Simon Phipps* /TDF Trustee/

Re: [Meta] Discussing in board-discuss [ was: Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF]

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ones, possibly something to discuss is there. Cheers, -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: --

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-12 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ot;entryists" and that you will help them with unbiased information in future instead of attacking them because they haven't conformed with your views. Sincerely, Simon -- *Simon Phipps* /TDF Trustee/ Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-11 Thread Paolo Vecchi
those expressed above. I hope we will finally get back to the original purpose of the proposal and approve it ASAP. Regards, Andreas Ciao Paolo -- ## Free Software Advocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Dir

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-09 Thread Paolo Vecchi
TDF during the past 7 years shows the risks we may incur when different interests influence TDF and our community. As such, lets please get back to the topic. Paolo Vecchi wrote: With a very odd timing the 02/06/2022 Mr Meeks added to the ESC agenda, during the meeting, the request to

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
vocate ## Plone add-on developer ## My blog: -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details:

Re: [board-discuss] [DECISION] TDF to publish LibreOffice in app stores

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
ation presented by default. -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige rechtsfähige Stiftung des bürgerlichen Rechts Legal details: -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: board-di

Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Michael, I prefer to avoid going into details as people should draw their conclusions by looking at timing and people involved by looking at the ESC meeting minutes and your proposal. On 08/06/2022 10:40, Michael Meeks wrote: Hi Paolo, On 08/06/2022 09:18, Paolo Vecchi wrote: That is a

Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-08 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi all, On 08/06/2022 00:57, Cor Nouws wrote: Hi Paolo, Paolo Vecchi wrote on 08/06/2022 00:31: On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote: Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all... No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael Meeks proposal on it to

Re: [board-discuss] Re: In-house developers proposal v 2.1

2022-06-07 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Simon, On 07/06/2022 21:40, Simon Phipps wrote: Kendy made a merged version and shared it with us all... No, once again he took my document and copy/pasted bits of Michael Meeks proposal on it to completely change the logic of the proposal. That proposal doesn't really fit with the budge

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi
Hi Cor, On 03/06/2022 13:16, Cor Nouws wrote: Hi Paolo, Paolo Vecchi wrote on 03/06/2022 11:53: ... Another reason why I did not want to share my proposal open for editing to anyone is that it might happen that someone writes something that should not be written in a public document. We

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-03 Thread Paolo Vecchi
l ensuring that there will be a level playing field so that any organisation will be able to participate. Cheers Simon -- *Simon Phipps* /TDF Trustee/ Ciao Paolo -- Paolo Vecchi - Member of the Board of Directors The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin, DE Gemeinnützige re

Re: [board-discuss] Merged proposal for in-house developers at TDF

2022-06-02 Thread Paolo Vecchi
// Posting guidelines + more: List archive: Privacy Policy: -- Paolo Vecchi - Membe

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