>From my side too.
Unfortunately I closed the session thanking almost everyone but forgetting
a special thank you to Naruhiko-san.
So I profit of Sophi's message to do it now :)
I really liked this initiative and look forward to the next one, tomorrow
at 19:00 UTC.
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
I, Gabriele Ponzo, elected member of the Membership Committee of The
Document Foundation, hereby accept this role within the Stiftung
Bürgerlichen Rechts. My term will start September 19, 2020.
Signed: Gabriele Ponzo
Ich, Gabriele Ponzo, gewähltes Mitglied des Mitglieder-Komitees der The
Thank you for sharing.
Just a little correction please:
Il giorno mar 15 set 2020 alle ore 14:25 Florian Effenberger <
flo...@documentfoundation.org> ha scritto:
> [...]
+ been reached out to by many members (Gabriele)
> + wanted to represent their concerns.
> + not define
Il giorno ven 4 set 2020 alle ore 13:18 Michael Meeks <
michael.me...@collabora.com> ha scritto:
> * many MC members say they want to expand the membership.
> Given that LibreOffice is rather static in terms of its
> number of those involved in development: coding, UX,
> translation, documen
Il giorno ven 28 ago 2020 alle ore 08:18 Andreas Mantke ha
> Hi,
> I have two first questions to the candidates:
Thank you for asking and thus giving the opportunity to express our
> a) regarding the mission of the MC (§ 12 of the statutes) have you
> already participat
Thank you all ;)
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
Il giorno sab 5 ott 2019 alle ore 12:46 Guilhem Moulin <
guil...@libreoffice.org> ha scritto:
> On Sat, 05 Oct 2019 at 12:31:31 +0200, Italo Vignoli wrote:
> > Adding hostmaster for mailing lists and other services.
> Done (LDAP, gerrit, ML)
Could please someone remove K-J from the Web Page [1] and move Ilmari among
full members?
Then K-J should be removed from MC's ML, Gerrit and Git groups, if it isn't
been already done.
Thanks in advance.
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
[1] https://www.documentfoundation.org/governance/mc/
Il gio
Hi Cor, thank you from me too, for all the work done and for the continuous
help given!
Best wishes for this new year and for the new adventure it brings for you ;)
See you soon in Bruxelles.
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
2018-01-02 17:44 GMT+01:00 Gustavo Buzzatti Pacheco :
> Hi Cor!
> Th
Dear member,
as you should know, the Nomination phase for the Election of the next Board
of Directors is already open, so if you haven't done yet, please consider
to candidate yourself for that important but really amazing role. You have
time until next monday (included - CET, see below).
By the
I, Gabriele Ponzo, elected member of the Membership
Committee of The Document Foundation (Stiftung bürgerlichen
Rechts), hereby accept this position.
I wish to thank all the people who gave their preference to me and to say
that I'm glad to continue serving our Foundation in the MC.
Signed: Gabri
Dear Members of the Foundation, Dear Board & MC Members,
I would like to continue my work inside the Membership Committee for
another term. I therefore declare my candidacy for the Membership Committee.
I've been part of LibreUmbria and LibreDifesa projects as well as of other
migrations as TDF Ce
Indeed, even if it's alway used to be chairman the most voted, in previous
elections (both of BoD and MC).
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
2015-12-14 17:24 GMT+01:00 Cor Nouws :
> Hi Diego,
> diego maniacco wrote on 14-12-15 17:06:
> > Sorry, but I do not understand this discussion reason.
Hi Ashod,
2015-12-14 17:18 GMT+01:00 Cor Nouws :
> > Any order can have an influence on voters. Another solution is to
> > make them random for each voter (or on each listing).
> Your remark is justified. Therefore we did that with these elections.
What Cor means is that if you go here:
Minutes of the Membership Committee meeting 2014 - 4th Quarter
1. Call to order
The meeting took place on 2014-12-19 at 20:00 UTC
2. Roll Call
Membership Committee Members present:
Jan Holešovský (Kendy)
Cor Nouws
Gabriele Ponzo
Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn
3 Vote on new members
WHEREAS, the Membe
I, Gabriele Ponzo, elected member of the Membership Committee of
The Document Foundation, hereby accept this position.
Signed: Gabriele Ponzo
Gabriele Ponzo
GPS - Terni
2014-09-30 11:27 GMT+02:00 Thorsten Behrens :
> Dear membership committee,
> following-up from the final election resu
Gabriele Ponzo
I'd like to become a member of the committee to slowly gain a role inside
TDF and better contribute to the project.
I've been part of the LibreUmbria project and I hope to be soon a certified
trainer and participate to more migrations.
Thanks for reading,
Kind regar
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