Hi, people. Franklin asked me write my self-nomination letter in more formal
format, so I’m doing it:
I’m a candidate in the next elections to the Membership Committee.
Who I’m:
I’m Roman Kuznetsov from Lipetsk, Russia. I’m the TDF member last three (or
more?) years. I did some QA work, tran
the statutes are here:
Am 20.08.20 um 12:51 schrieb Andreas Mantke:
> Hi,s
> maybe it'd good to have a closer look into the job description of the
> Membership Committee (MC), which is publicly available on the TDF
maybe it'd good to have a closer look into the job description of the
Membership Committee (MC), which is publicly available on the TDF website:
Paragraph 12 of the statutes.
Diese Nachricht wurde von meinem Android-Gerät mit K-9 Mail gesendet.
Full Name: Po-Yen Huang (Jeff Huang)
Email: s8321...@libreoffice.org
Affiliation: None
My 75 words official candidacy statement: This my first time to be
candidate to the MC. I hope we can attract more people (from more countries
and regions) to join us. Then provide our members and community with
Hi everyone, I'm Po-Yen Huang. I'm a TDF member about 4 years. I would like
to join Membership Committee because I want to find more people who want to
contribute (or contributing) to LibreOffice project (especially asian). I
could help them on Translating, QA and Marketing stuff. Then help them