Dear people,
After a first term as member of the board, I'd like to stand again for
I have experience and background in quite some areas in the community.
Starting right from the beginning (and earlier) with a lot of work in
translating, marketing, QA... Later many years in the Membe
Hi all,
As a LibreOffice user since the very first day and long term member of
different F/OSS organizations and communities I'd like to give something back
to the LibreOffice project and therefore stand for elections to the Board of
Directors of The Document Foundation.
I'm Nicolas Christener, l
Hi! I’m Paolo Vecchi and I want to run as candidate for the next board.
I’m based in Luxemburg and my two organisations, Omnis Systems Ltd (UK) and
Omnis Cloud Sarl (LU), are specialised in the promotion of Open Source and Free
Software platforms. During the last years, I wrote many articles pro
Hi all,
My name is Emiliano Vavassori and as a fellow LibreOffice contributor
and TDF member I would like to run as candidate for the Board of Directors.
I am a senior system administrator, employed in a small company based in
Bergamo, in the North of Italy, with its core business in providing IC