Hello David,
Indeed it would be a great idea.
We just need to wait until they get their brand new one :)
2011/1/27 David Nelson
> Hi Charles, :-)
> In that case, would it be a good idea to have a link to them in the
> text of the "Get Help" page?
> If so, can you give the li
Hi Charles, :-)
In that case, would it be a good idea to have a link to them in the
text of the "Get Help" page?
If so, can you give the links you suggest?
David Nelson
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Hello all,
It has come to the attention of the Steering Committee that there have been
discussions about the potential need for forums hosted inside the
LibreOffice.org website.
The question revolves around the existence of external, but existing
community forums that are transitioning or have alr
Hi David,
2011/1/27 David Nelson :
> "assign one MC-member to each application who is in charge to review
> the application (this should be based on the work area of the
> applicant. e.g. Fridrich might review developer's applications, Sophi
> UX, design, work in locale teams, André does l10n, QA,
Hi, :-)
"assign one MC-member to each application who is in charge to review
the application (this should be based on the work area of the
applicant. e.g. Fridrich might review developer's applications, Sophi
UX, design, work in locale teams, André does l10n, QA, website)"
Documentation team cont
as told in last weeks meeting, we (Sophie, Fridrich, me)
had some off-list discussion about the MC process.
Our initial thoughts are documented at
Please note, that this is the *talk* page, so all this reflects
our opinion, no
> Von: Florian Effenberger
> the next Steering Committee conference call will take place
> Thursday, January 27th
> 1600 UTC
> See http://www.doodle.com/6qt4qqc3w56srrqt for your local date and time.
I'll try to join, it's likely that I'll be late.
Minutes from last me